Twinks in their separate Q's - Don't let them get away with this

What the hell are you talking about? Are you seriously trying to prove my point wrong?

I think your comment pinpoints what’s intrigued me so much reading these posts by twinks. It’s kind of like watching a bunch of extra-zany Marxists gather on a sidewalk trying to decide whether they want to rush into Starbucks or Panera Bread with their hand scribbled protest signs.

Yeah, but the extra-zany Marxists in your example are trying to decide which restaurant to rush for some putative political cause – not because they can’t stand Spock and Uhura being a couple in the new Star Trek movies, so they want to paint anyone who ships them as homophobic. (Or paint people who ship Kirk/Spock instead of Spock/Uhura as racists.) That’s the “trying to get fandom brownie points” angle you didn’t have.

And that actually did happen, btw: different shippers calling each other racist or homophobic because they wanted to one-up the other side.


How nice of the OP to dodge this most important of all question.

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100% agree. This is definitely another reason to solidify me not re-subbing again.

It’s about time they did it, really. Twinks just discourage low-level pvp leveling, and new players pvping.

If the twink “community” is as healthy as is claimed, shouldn’t be an issue.

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Worried about new players in a 15+ year old game? That’s the most hilarious thing I’ve ever heard… let me guess “Well my kids are starting for the first time :B” ?

There’s only ever 2 or 3 twinks in a regular match even at the most populated brackets and combined ques were 10 minutes. What do you think is going to happen to que times when they’re seperated? That’s right 1 game a day if you’re lucky.

Regular Q times will suffer as well, instead of 10 minutes welcome to 3+ hour ques.

So 2 to 3 people in that match should make the experience for the other 17 + people garbage?

That is far too dramatic of a shift. Maybe slightly longer but definitely not 3 + hours from 10 minutes.

No because not all characters are running around naked. People use CC and take down twinks just fine. They’re really not as strong as everyone complains they are.

Yes, they are. Camping the GY while holding the flag to prevent the nontwinks on your team from capping and ending the match is why this is happening. If you weren’t strong enough to do that then your not even good at twinking. It’s not the communities fault this behavior has become standard in low level brackets. If you want to point fingers at somebody, the xpoff forums are that way >>>>>>>

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If twinks are what keeps low level BG’s alive, then shouldn’t that mean that there are enough of them for their queues to be quick? Surely a community which claims to be healthy and full of players who truly want to fight other twinks wouldn’t have any negative reaction to this change. In fact, they should be celebrating since now they can truly play against other like minded players. If twinks are waiting hours in queue, wouldn’t that be proof that all the claims they’ve made are actually false, and that not even twinks want to fight twinks?

Low level bg queues are as fast as ever and haven’t slowed down at all. In fact, they may be even faster than ever due to all the people playing their new allied race alts. I’m not seeing any of these supposed 3+ hour queues these twink doomsayers have been talking about. Matches are no longer determined by which team has the most twinks, and now low level bg’s really are a test of skill. More than they ever were when twinks were running amok.

Exactly. Every thread so far on this subject the “Twinks” are always a bunch of name callers, and total brats tbh. Have not seen a thread by them that has not put someone down, or tried to be a witty 12 year old. Using big words like scrubs, noobs, you just suck at PvP, pleb, and the likes.

Glad the twinks have been put in their own Queue. Now maybe ill actually try some BG’s while leveling my Zandalari for the first time in MANY years.

What you actually mean is a ban on ganking. Twinks don’t want competitive play. They want to prey on ‘normal’ players that don’t have the gear.


Here’s the thing. I don’t mind twinks at all… To be honest. I just want faster queues. The quicker. The better. That simple. If it was faster queues being without twinks. Alright cool. Faster with them alright cool… I just came back to the game due to zandalari and Holy absolute F***! Queues are way too damn long. “Low level bgs are popping fine” yet LITERALLY every single queue I’ve been in, from 35+ has LITERALLY been over 30 minutes and yes xp is ON!..

I have plenty of pictures, of them. But I just don’t know how to link them tbh

Bg didn’t actually pop for another 3-4 more minutes. Twinks are the minority. But sh**. I wish I would get matched up with some right now. Cause by this queue time. I would’ve been in a game. Lost/win then been in another bg by now. This is absolutely horrendous atm


They put twinks back in with everyone else when they had stat templates to take the edge off of gear. The only way twinks get put back in the main queue is if they put those stat templates back in.

If you have to resort to stomping new/returning/leveling players in order to feel good about yourself because you can’t PvP at max level, then I hate to say it, but World of Warcraft is not for you.
It’s time for you to go play a different game.

Might I suggest a single-player game with a difficulty slider, so you can set it to Very Easy and smash the NPC?
Sounds like the “challenge” you and other twinks are looking for.

Either that, or stop crying about it now and wait until Vanilla. You can twink all you want there.


I mean they are making a game for these people, well resurrecting one, classic is on its way soon and it is perfect for these twink minded players.

Depends. Classic didn’t have xp off. So if you want to farm best gear, you’re bound to gain experience from the content you run to get it. It was a delicate operation back then.

But there wasn’t any xp gain from pvp though so there’s that. (Inb4 one of their QoL inclusion is pvp xp)

I mean, it is an effective ban on BGs for people leveling a new race with twinks.

Conversation before patch with buddy:

Me: What about BGs? Is that an effective way to level?

Buddy: Nah, you’ll just get slaughtered by the twinks, as boring as dungeons are at least you won’t get frustrated.

Twinks ruin Battlegrounds for most people.

What needs to happen is to make it generally known that the twinks are no more (or at least have to really work on their exploits now, but that should get them banned at some point), more people will want to play Battlegrounds while leveling, and the queue times will be shorter as well as the games being more fun.

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