Twinks in their separate Q's - Don't let them get away with this

it’s kind of like blizz pulled a bait and switch con on people who left because they couldnt play their twinks. They integrated ques padded sub numbers and then re-segregated if I could prove I came back just for twinking Id have a case. Oh well I’m just being silly now. thank the maker sev just replied im fading fast

I am rather surprised that twinks still exist in this day and age.

I have a level 39 Paladin in full Scarlet Monastery gear on an old account that has been inactive for ages (the last time I did any kind of leveling on that account was back in MoP). I remember getting the boots on a very lucky drop during a cloth farming run, but I also remember it taking ages of farming the original SM Cathedral to get the chestpiece to drop, I wasn’t about to spend the 500 gold that they went for back then, HA! 500 gold… try 300,000 today if you can find it on the AH that is.

This of course was when Paladins wore mail armor until level 40 and long before transmog. Once fully geared, I remember taking it into SM via LFD and crushing the damage meters!

Aside from just a curiosity, that toon is worthless now.

So, it’s bigotry. I knew that I just wanted you to know… now you do.

the 5 people that care dont matter tbh

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“no need to get worked up lass” :rofl:

rip tidal charm 39s <3

Again, you are being dramatic. The use of such a heavy word in this context is not appropriate. People really are not even being that intolerant of your opinion, they just think your opinion is wrong, but no one is trying to silence you.

Why are twinks trying to defend their ego on this? Ah! I know, it’s because they need the advantage to gank and camp lower levels.


semantics nothing more its bigotry. there is a definition and this applies. not debatable

May wanna scroll through some of these threads and look at all the stereotyping and horrible things said to generalize the twinking community. It’s a pretty open and shut case. I’ll prolly rally some twinks and see why blizzard allows us to be the victims of this bigotry so publicly

Make sure to put it on youtube.


Good. Hope they don’t come back.

Baseless claim that is completely untrue. If anything more people leave BGs because of twinks in the game.

Let. Them. Get. Away. With. This.


Semantics are debatable, context is debatable.

Besides if we want to play by your standards, you are being intolerant of the casual leveling pvp community.

If we want to continue this absurdity, you would find far more people get hated on for being LFR casuals than any part of the twink community.


There are a few facts that need to be addressed.

    If multiple players did not do this then there would be no need to address it as a problem.

    lets be honest, people do this for a power trip. Removing them from what they enjoy destroys their motive to twink.


The core issues here can be applied to every level of play.

If casual players become majority should hardcore players be punished? Should RP servers be shut down because they are a minority? Blizzard has done this time and time again. At this point its not “who’s right or wrong” its “who’s next”.

Everyone who is thinking good riddance should stop and think of how this mentality has affected this game already. LFG,LFR, loot system, class design ECT… All have been modeled from blizzards perception of what people want. And all of which have ruined aspects of the game for some other players.

I don’t have any Twink toons. I’ve never turned of xp. But I do have a full set of heirlooms for each class. And multiple toons at multiple levels. When I am OP in lower bgs what’s to prevent Blizzard from nerfing my Looms down to grays with a xp bouns. I’ve spent time,honor and gold on that. Should I be punished because the majority of players did not?

PvP is an option. If you do not want to be killed by another player then don’t play PvP.
Their is always bigger fish. Someone will always be at the loosing end of a fight. That’s life.


This is the same as asking why should op people fight each other? If you want to be better than everyone in the game just play a single player game.

I agree that there should be no LFG/LFR/normal or heroic mode for raids. And that patching should be like it was during TBC.

Nah Im done this is boring me. I hoped it would bore me to sleep but no luck.

you didnt think this nonsense through did you? it’s ok ive posted stooooopid stuff too but this is just lul

Experience was introduced back in Wrath. I distinctly remember leveling my hunter twice during the Call to Arms weekend for Alterac Valley…in three games.

Congratulations! You’re an example of the original definition of Social Justice Warrior: someone who used the terminology of social justice movements for fandom brownie points!

The only thing you succeed in is looking stupid. A+!