Twinks in their separate Q's - Don't let them get away with this

Its absolutely a punishment just like it was in 4.3 (or w/e) it was handed down the first time. This is a continuation of that punishment. It was unjust then and it’s unjust now. There is no way you can spin it that makes it otherwise. Within the framework provided i gear my toon and turn my xp off then i cannot play my toon because you CHOOSE not to. It’s simple and its a decade old wound. idgasf about how you feel about leveling gearing or xp gains. You are an anti-twink bigot and justify it to yourselves by celebrating laziness and mediocrity and demand to be rewarded for it with “fair” pvp. Ill stay within the framework with xp on toons with gear and still farm you with a smile on my face because I hate bigots.

I play my toons just fine… at 120.

So do I. Relevance?

You called me a anti-twinker bigot, not once have I said I’m for or against twinking, all I’ve been stating is we are back to the way things were. I’m actually more happy templates are gone but thats old news.

Do not read “you” as “you” if you arent an anti twink bigot problem solved

okay idk why twinks keep saying this

it was done wod, then undone in legion because of templates
and now with no more templates it was done again

there was no revolution or failure


I’m going to read “you” as “you” all day long when the person you are quoting is me especially when this is how you start a new sentence.

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It was done way before wod. Misinformation is great

Or English isn’t his first language?

read it how you want, but that yourselves must be driving you batty

which doesnt change xpac names?

Obviously he was trying to make a point using words as done and undone, they just weren’t the right words, it still gets their point across though.

the expansion is the error. So you are just babbling

Twinks are the only ones keeping low level content alive?

Odd, I was watching a Streamer with 50 thousand viewers the other day, soloing dungeons at level for a challenge, and the community around that seems pretty large.

Also id argue the introduction of allied races has done far more to keep low level content relevant more than twinks have.

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You have been babbling alot longer than I have actually, about something thats actually been a thing before and you twinkers were just fine then. All 5 of you are just exploding now because Blizzard has reignited a flame.

Before you take it to heart, the 5 is a joke.

Anti-Twink Bigot? How dramatic…

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I’m fine now. It’s the gloating from the honor level 3 level 46 players with empty slots and white gear. I particularly enjoy their well thought out but clueless explanations of why twinking is akin to cheating and how without twinks in the bg they are like pros. I will just like in cata, mop, and wod level through bg. xp off every 3 or 4 levels for a recharge and then xp on with fully geared toons. If a game has gear I like to use it its kinda the point.

definitions are crucial. it’s bigotry prove me wrong. I’ll stay awake a little while longer just for you. chop chop

I doubt they’ll revert the change until after BfA. They need people participating in high level Warmode content to appease their overlords (so they don’t have to put as much work into releasing actual content). If PvPers are hitting a twink wall while leveling and losing interest in it, their precious engagement is at risk.

The definition might be technically correct but how we use that in the English language in most parts of the western world are generally reserved for more serious topics. It is in the same notion as the words hate and dislike, while both ultimately mean the same thing it drastically changes the tone and the context behind it.