Twinks in their separate Q's - Don't let them get away with this

Id rather spend that hour grabbing some gear so I dont havta be afraid of my que.


This person right here is now proving the point of many people who have posted in this thread.

Then this change is perfect for you, while you wait for your BG queue you can gear up whatever twink you are playing.

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You can both wait and grab gear at the same time :wink:

Oh I’m on the “too geared for pvp” team I’m aware. I just can’t for the life of me figure out why the other side doesnt get it.

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Because they are leveling, not gearing.

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Because you, like all other twinks crying, are lying.

You don’t twink to “be competitive”. You twink to grief. If you were competitive, you would welcome the separation.


As it has been mentioned, you are not simply “grabbing gear”, you are farming gear to clearly be overpowered in a bg. That is not the normal levelling experience.

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This doesn’t change what I just said, I gave you an answer to your confusion.

questing and dungeons are the normal leveling experience. bgs are player versus player you know for players that like killing other players

If you want to put no effort into your character while leveling and choose to pvp you deserve to lose badly.

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Then why do BG’s give exp if they weren’t an intended leveling method?

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Oh I’ll be putting in the effort, its called leveling.

I’m not at all confused. I’ve been here since early bc blizz and then later activision caters to the lazy forum crybabies. If i can gear you can gear the fact you CHOOSE not to shouldnt be grounds to punish me. If i were hacking, cheating, botting, exploiting sure but I put gear in gear slots boo hoo


No ones punishing you, this change is simply reverting something that was left over from when we had pvp templates. Back to the way it was before Legion.

leveling is effort? wow do you exist in the world at all. everything you do even gathering gives xp leveling is involuntary and effortless

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I’ve been AFK on my 118 rogue for an hour and I haven’t gained 1 bit of experience, yes you have to put in effort to level a character.

yawn I have like 9 120s and i cant even remember any effort at all. other than… nope nevermind its mindless and effortless

You can stay fixated on the exp all you want without realizing BGs give exp for a reason, but I’d like you to reply to another post I made.

It is a punishment, but it doesn’t solve anything.

Guess what else we had before Legion. XP on throwaway twinks, now they are back and there is less competition for us. Its even easier now with allied races starting at level 20. Still 1 and 2 shotting people and getting 20-30+ KBs and 50+hks regularly. But since separating the queues solved the problem everything I am doing is legit now.

Like I said, Back to the way it was before Legion.

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