Twinks are now just leaving BGs early

Did he have enchants and other gear slots updated?

Don’t really care if he did… If someone in full boas is getting one shot then what does that mean for newbies? I can tell you I wasn’t one shotting anyone with my boas (and very up to date dungeon gear).

This expac?

Most twinks weren’t doing that. Like I said very few were super geared.

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Now that same “Geared” character has nine levels to do the exact routine. 70-79
Nine more levels to get even better gear to become more powerful. :wink:

Classes and Specs are still working the same, Twinks just get a little experience to slow it all down.

An allied race toon in most of their starting gear will dominate most levelers.


Yeah we know the game. Don’t pay for the account, and uber twink a level 20. It’s ok it’s been reported every bg.

That’s not report worthy.


Fake report. Won’t do anything


Still sitting north of 50% winrate leveling solely in BGs and to be honest, twinkling is barely a thing anymore. Games are fairly even and it’s actually been a lot of fun. I’ve ran into exactly one unkillable meat grinder in the 40s (fury warr with legacy enchants and a pocket healer, dude had something like 40+ KBs giving him crazy burst healing) but otherwise it has been much better since the separation.

Worst game was a WSG where horde had 6 healers - at low brackets where healers do wicked dps still there was just no winning that.

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huh sounds like its still the same if there was no winning it


Yep been about the same for me. Haven’t played the teens/20s though.

He just said he only had one really rough game and you picked that one and said “HuH I guEss NoTHInG’s cHaNGeD.”

Jug would throw that a ‘like’ too. :upside_down_face:


I sure did

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They’re about the same.


A MM Hunter will delete most players in low level BG’s.

from 19-119 MM hunters are broken. 120 they are the squish but who cares about 120 :expressionless:

Just report them …

And the players who want twinks gone arent being catered? I have brought up this point so many times, but pvping at lower lvls is entertaining at lower lvls, because you have to try different strats and you often have less moves, so its a different frame of motion. Its enjoyable at lvl 120 as well as lvl 49, its a different experience all around because you have to play differently. Its also wierd how 120, its ok to overgear and pown lvl 120 noobs with fresh greens. Im just saying, its a bit hypocritical of blizzard to separate brackets, then merge them again 7 years later, then unmerge them again because of the removal of pvp templates. Just find another solution. All the low lvl pvp hate has gotten rediculous, and i mean, if you hate getting ganked and pvp in the first place, why even play in the first place? people prey at lvl 120 on people as well. Its so stupid. Everyone gets catered to in this game nowadays, and one side is winning. Eventually, twinks will get some sort of compromise because in my mind, doing the same separations will not fix anything for twinks. Then its just a namecalling war, and all the non twinks say blizzard caters to them and that they are all noobs who one shot peeps. I just wanna pvp forever at a certain level. I do not see the crime committed, regardless of what lvl im at, whether its 120 and i overgear myself, or if im lvl 19. The playstyle changes when new moves are added or nonexistent because of a different lvl bracket. Makes it more compelling in my opinion, but im a low lvl forever for life pvp, who cares what i think. Its so dumb. Why is the only way to pvp and not lvl at max lvl? only place to get que times is max lvl. Everyones like, well who cares about long que times? low lvl forever pvpers do. If they wanna treat lvl 19 like its end game, i dont see the problem with it. its a rediculous argument in the first place.

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Looks like a lot of people are just twinking 20-29 and then deleting character after sending over all the twink items to a new level 20.

Had a fun weekend of doing 20 bgs. Ran into 4 twink druids in WSG and won with a cap in the last 3 seconds.

https ://

Gotta love the cheers at the end. Shame twinks are gone though.