Twinks are now just leaving BGs early

I put over 80 hours into my last twink.
Lots of gear hunting and quests.

I’m a thorough leveler… ask those that knew me and when i roll alts… they take forever, because i am the kind of person that tries to finish out quests in zones, or push content that harder for the toon that i am playing.
I don’t powerlevel, i’m thorough.
That gets me better gear.

Regardless of expon/expoff.

People who put effort into their toons will always overcome those who don’t.


Okay then…

in the World of Warcraft context.

What do you think defines a person as a “twink”?

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I’d like this answer as well. Most twinks you can keep up with if you just keep up with your gear. There were the few outliers that stomped one team or the other but hey, don’t forget:

as of last night, “twinks” still exist :laughing: Really though our team just down right sucked, as was the case a few weeks ago if we lost like that.

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I’ve never seen this happen. I’m not even clear what you’re describing or the harm it causes.

Yes, because the 10-19 bracket was murder :wink: lvl 10 Twinks were a fun thing to see. There was no scaling, no heirlooms til wotlk so the 10-19 bracket was full of twinks and levelers were “walking Hk’s” . They added xp and queue times went down and so on and so on and so on all the way to today where no heirlooms or scalling, xp, gear or honor will get the average leveler in a bg with a Twink. They are tired of it, their game is supposed to be fun not degrading.

in a 10-19 BG are missing half their gear. Anyone who has all slots filled will be a twink to these players still.

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I was there, Twinks were bad*ss , gleaning from all over Azeroth the green pieces that would give them an edge, making them fun to inspect. Yes regular, ill informed, non competitive, new , young, lazy, whatever players thought white gear was enough and that sorta makes my point. They stopped queuing.

Youre talking about someone totally clueless, just because you have all your slots filled youre not a twink, who thinks that? children?

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Just go ahead and inspect players from 10-19. Anyone will have an advantage over a lot of them.

Good luck on getting 10k posts Jugajr, youre almost there :slight_smile:


What does my post count have to do with how the average leveler in 10-19 queues?


apparently they like qing with people who have like no gear and die instantly /shrug


Gear is not by any means “out of the equation” at low levels. Removing twinks moved the bar a little is all. It’s actually easier now and gear disparity is huge.

Take a full set of heirlooms and enchant them, including weapons. Those are now 100% “recyclable”. Level a toon to 10, takes about 30 min or so. Mail them the looms

Then craft a few offsets either by LW, or whatever you need for your class. spend about 100g on mats for this tops. IE green boot, bracer, belt,glove, get a JC to do 2 rings. Then enchant those for the 12,14,15 range and you are now outgearing 95% of the people in rando lowbie bgs by a wide margin. I’m 2 shotting people sub 700 hp in the 10-19 bracket. Easy.

It’s Gear > Class > skill…still and will remain that way at low levels.

So much for no twinks eh


Stop reaching :roll_eyes:


Your removing the biggest disadvantage to a new player by removing that outlier. Everyone knows there still going to have a hard time but it’s going to be better.

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Look up any low level twink. They are basically heirlooms enchanted and various gear in other spots. Nothing really changed much those levels.

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Yup, sounds lousy and lame. Meh though 10-19 is easily out leveled. So is 20-29 for that matter. Also nothing really counts pre 40 (or later) anyways, PvP or pve. Nobody has any buttons and it’s impossible to tell what your character feels like.

I have to say 70 & 100 brackets have been glorious. Reasonable que times and absolutely nobody getting one shot. Having much more fun on my alts in occasional bgs.


39’s were my favorite back in the day.
59 was a blast too pre-WotLK (resilience!!)
99’s during WoD/Legion
110 and 119’s during BFA

I think Lucritius here is a good example of this. He’s not one of the super WTFOMG grandfathered twinks, but I did invest a good bit of time into him getting his gear. He started out with a few enchanted heirlooms and slowly earned the PvP gear and trinkets. Aside from the trinkets and arguably the Engineering gear, all his gear is fairly close to heirlooms, if not actual heirlooms.

In BGs without people cheesing mechanics to somehow get a twink toon in, full heirloom with some crafted/dungeon/quest kits (even totally unenhanced) can do very well.

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No one was getting one shot before unless lacking gear/enchants… or lower level like 10-39 where classes really shine.

Naw that’s straight up untrue. I told you about the enhance shaman. He one shot a full boa disc priest again and again. He couldn’t one shot me because I had soul link.