Twinks are now just leaving BGs early

Cheers for finding that full quote, I tried but couldn’t find it.

I think this is my favorite part of it personally. Good to see they still agree with that.


With the confirmation of Twinking being supported, why not merge this with the premade advantage.
Correct ilvl, class, spec required. My personal choice.

Merge Premades in with the twinking que?

Yea I had to go through MMO Champ to find it. The old old forums are found on the way-back-machine, but not all pages are there.

I can see where they’re coming from, but at no point was gear ever part of being separated. Even today, gear is not why we are separated. Twinks are still in everyones games. It’s only an illusion so they don’t have to fix real problems. IMO of course.


Geared levelers are “Twinks”. Right? Was there not several posts complaining about “Twinks” in the Xpon matches?
All of my current information adds up, geared players are “Twinks”.
“Twinks” are in queues with Xpon “Levelers”.


Statistical data can show where the real problems are rather than what people personally view are the problems. There was another blue post where Blizzard said that twinking was a small niche form of gameplay. It would seem that some statistics were taken.

I found it funny a lot of people called levelers in this forum twinks too


It was the same person.

pretty sure it was only hush, unless I missed another person being silly

Literally in the same quote. But you are also omitting that this happened at a time when Battlegroups existed (also in the same quote), and all twinks were spread out between them. 9 different battlegroups with 7 brackets a piece. 56 different places where twinks were at.

There’s no denying that Blizzard did this whole thing bass ackwards. Battlegroups should have been combined before xp on/off split.


their was a few besides hush. shes just more well known

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No denying to who, exactly? The only thing I disagree with is that they should have given notice that they were doing this as they did last time. That would be the humane thing to do. The rest, I believe, was the right thing to do. Then again, that’s my personal opinion.


You mean the whole “Oh no i’m not a twink, i’m just a leveler with great gear and enchants because it makes the already easy game even easier. Nevermind that i’ve been the same level forever now” people?


Oh man, I really wanted to bring that up but thought “meh…” but I’m glad you did. Those who claim they’re not twinks, just levelers because they wear heirlooms topped off with a bunch of boe blue gear. I’m glad I’m not the only person who caught this.

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I was referring to the first separation. They should have combined battlegroups first so that twinks did have enough players to pop queues. But that’s not how it happened. They separated first, then combined battlegroups (several months after the damage was already done).


Yep your group who named murden juga my leveling toon all twinks because we had enchants onlooms

Indeed, not much has changed.
“Levelers” are “Twinks” too, as documented.


Tell that to an Alliance team facing a Bleeding Hollow premade. They don’t even wait to see if it’s twinks. Half the team quits as soon as they see Bleeding Hollow show up more than once in the roster.

Gotcha. What about both at the same time?

I don’t know if I’ve had the pleasure of Bleeding Hollow. I’m glad others remember certain groups being “ugh…” when you saw them and others being “lol… we got this.”

The word Twink and Bleeding Hollow go hand in hand, though…