Twinks are now just leaving BGs early

So do lamb and tuna fish… unless the delivery guy was pulling my leg.

Those that are aware, understand what I said. :thinking:


Those that watched Big Daddy, understand what I said. :thinking:

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Who is this? Also premades would be an unfair advantage to the new player unless they were queued against other premades.

They should never have separated twinks. BG’s should offer no xp to begin with. PvP = player versus player. Aka humans with brains, that decide to use the best available gear to them to compete. I’m not playing ice hockey, as a goalie with no pads on in nets. Why players in this game feel like they can just do that is so infuriating.

In terrible gear in a dungeon ? You’re gonna wipe over and over and over. Durrrrrrrr. It’s the same exact thing. Get some gear like everyone else !!!


You’re about 8 years too late for this argument. Also queue times before XP were CRAZY long. With the exception of 10-19 and 20-29


What is CRAZY long to you? I’m just curious more than anything. I don’t recall queues being long at all before xp. Even at 69 in an offshoot battlegroup like Vindication it wasn’t bad.



Hushpup makes we want to make a fresh too, not use heirlooms (which at least 1-60 is pretty accessible if you just. Ya know. Buy them) and document the leveling process.

What would be the best way to do this? Streaming and something like reflex?

Idk if it’s just the time I started, or what, but I’ve always remember trying to keep my gear updated. Maybe I can even “solo self founded” for heirlooms and the like (just mail the gold/mark/etc for them to a bank toon or something).

To people upset at twinks and claiming high level PvP doesn’t have just as much, if not more of a difference in gear, I did a BG today, on this guy, and there were three players that stood out. A monk with 95k health, still in 250 greens, and a Hunter and a mage with 205k. Now that Hunter and mage managed to do almost 4x my damage (I ended about 1.5mil, mostly killing orb guys in Kotmogu) and that monk was very much on the bottom.

I KNOW that without the Hunter and mage doing a huge chunk of damage (both out damaging most of the alliance as well as most of the horde) we probably wouldn’t have won that.

Gear balance doesn’t exist at 120 either, it’s just people stay in the bracket longer to get gear. People are lucky with how fast you level these days imo. “Back in my day…”

But seriously. On the self founded PvP thing, what would you guys recommend?

Record, add-ons, etc? Should I be strictly DPS for longer queues, should I queue random dungeons at all or only do each one once?

Might as well put it to the test and take that proof of burden off of Hushpup, as well as really see if it’s a balance, effort, or mixed issue.

Right now I’m thinking rules as follow:
Can queue for a dungeon once for quest completion
Quests only in between queue times
Self founded so no heirlooms unless the too can buy them
Self founded so no enchants unless the too can buy or make them
Can’t abuse the AH to make gold, most of the gold should come from the leveling process.


I guess that would depend on battlegroup but in Reckoning battlegroup they were not long at all and I even played in a relatively new twink bracket, 69.


Juga was never a new player once.


You can still twink. Form grps, guilds, make friends, make communities. It’s never been easier in wow to do this.

Abuse? :thinking:
Are Keybinds/Turning with the mouse also considered abuse?

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If you have heirlooms, you’re not a new player. Those are the players showing up with missing gear as well.


I never said that. You of course were never a new player once.

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What makes you think that? I was not here in Vanilla.

It’s like rated players and raid players who forget that in the past they stepped into wow with not a clue what to do. Elitists.

You’re the one saying I was never new.

100% expert when u started playing that logic tho

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Yeah because of the way you go on about levelers with missing gear lol.

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Oh oh hears Oak who has a whole lot to say about…

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