Twinking is out of control in bgs. A fix: stat cap

Beating on levelers is too basic.

Years ago I made a holy paladin twink with healing out the wazoo.

Down ranked spells meant I could spam flash of light for days and out heal twinks dmg on even the lowliest players.

I could anger leveling players AND twinks at the same time. Way more fun.

Again with the twinking, you guys realize that not everyone that beats you into the ground is a twink. Most of the time it is just better geared, more skilled or just some fotm.

No we don’t need templates back they were serious balance issues, damage was locked but healing wasn’t and it made healers immortal.

Until we have rated BGs/arenas for lower brackets you are going to have issues in randoms plain and simple and not everyone 1-2 shotting you is a twink.

Random BGs are not the greatest source for leveling up unless you are going to put the effort into gearing your character before going into them.

Twinking is not the real issue, people thinking they should be equal with everyone else by just stepping into a BG is the issue.

By the way I do not twink but I am not going to penalize someone who has put in the effort to get the best gear possible and be numero uno.

Also they tried a separate BG for people who locked xp, it didn’t work…why? because there weren’t as many twinks as people thought there were. It took nearly 6 hours to get into queue for a 15 min battle.


Not the greatest but they are definitely legit. 120 BGs played (62 won) and I’m 78 and a half. That’s doing just BGs.

I know it sucks if you don’t have an endgame character to buy heirlooms and enchants and such, but asking for the entire lower level economy to be voided is not the solution.

The problem is that lower level characters don’t earn as much gold as higher level ones and this inflates prices based on gold an endgame character can earn. This makes it hard on anyone leveling their first character and trying PVP. Gold from loot and prices from vendor trashing lower level items should be increased to help fix this. Making enchants or certain types of gear not function in BGs would unfairly punish crafters, how would you feel if you grind out a profession and then right after all the stuff you make from it becomes unusable in BGs; the main reason people would buy it for.

Same old recycled post you use in every twink thread with your straw man “expartgamer”.

Most of the best gear is found in instances, where it costs you 10g to xp cap and farm. The gear usually replaces most of the heirlooms.

Enchants are generally 1 - 400g. The occasional one is over 1k, but that’s the exception not the rule.

Twinking doesn’t cost that much, and is fairly easy to do. The argument that you can’t afford it is for the most part not valid.

Also, if you are going into brackets at anything less than the max level for it, then no matter what you do you will be gimping yourself and the team.

They should have kept the legion formula.
It was fun

Because a community that has, by and large, for many years said “git gud scrub. if you could play your class yud be fine” whined about not being able to dominate through gear.

Cause…they didn’t mean the wanted to win through skill and expertise in the game, just at character select and the sites that tell them what gear to use.

Giving everyone equalized gear didn’t make people play better though. It did make whatever specs or classes were OP feel even more so though to me.

XP Off in Random BGs


  • bigger pool of people for short queue times.
  • allows players to see examples of power and work towards it.
  • is fun for the twinker to annihilate non-twinks with pure power progression (and let’s face it BFA has trash power progression in overscaling!).
  • opens a whole world of PvP that is community made and has thousands of participants.


  • can be rough on players who aren’t twinks as they stand absolutely no chance in hell to win.
  • creates winless situations when twink teams queue against you for a period.
  • creates some hostility when twinks harass non-twinks for queue’ing into a bg (I see this a lot where twinks trash talk normal players for having low HP etc).

All in all the system is probably fine the way it is. My personal preference is that I’d like to have XP Off only queues and be totally separate from leveling players. I have several twinks I play on and it’s more fun to me when the competition is more about strategy and actual PvP rather than 1 shots and decimation of non-twinks.


I’d like it if they made stats work like they do in GW2 - probably the only good thing they did in PvP in that game, honestly.

You could pick a preset allocation of stats - each specialized in a different area. So you could choose to have a lot of crit, or haste, maybe a mix of both…

Let a player do that in some kind of PvP tab or menu, and have that apply everywhere. Avoids the downside of PvP templates (the templates working much better for some specs than others) and equalizes things considerably.

That said, I do really like the feeling of gearing up and getting stronger in endgame PvP, even if it is inherently unbalanced - but yeah, while you’re leveling, you really don’t have the time to stop and try and get BiS items, or hope that broken trinket drops.

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Allowing gear imbalance also does not make people bad at their class good either. It does allow people that have had time to farm gear to completely dominate those trying to enter into pvp once even a few weeks has passed in a season. I’m not saying stat templates are the panacea. I was just highly amused at the 180 turn from the overall pvp community in what they said vs what they meant.

All comes down to 1 question: Does Twinking affect Rated BG’s or Rated PvP

Nope, it doesn’t, twinks cannot participate in rated so there is no problem.

This is silly. If you had 8/10 twinks in a bg, they were a premade, 2 parties queued up together.

That should never happen. In fact, it should never happen that a group of solo pugs are against even 1 5 player premade in a bg.

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And that was the problem with stat templates. You know, not everyone wants crit and/or haste. Those stats were worthless to me. Having a choice between crit or haste is no choice for me at all.

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Oh good, this thread got necro’d.

Most twink gear can be matched by standard dungeon gear, and heirlooms.

Low level pvp vendors with pvp epics still exist so bg to level, you still have easy access to decent gear, and not having it is simply being lazy.

Low level, even for non twinks, has vastly different stat and rotational priorities then at max, most classes, and almost all specs, having obscene ways to obliterate another player, regardless of gear.

Twinks in bgs are a dying breed, barely any are around compared to a decade ago, no reason to keep them out of a battleground just because they have better gear then you.

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Not really. But part of the problem is people who are so badly geared they don’t stand a chance against people even in quest gear.

I believe you need marks of honor to buy these. A lot of people now won’t buy or otherwise acquire gear because it’s “just leveling”.

Some specs are more OP than others. Some players have been doing pvp for more than a decade and are crazy good at pvp even though they’re not twinks.


Or the better way would be to split the twinks from normal players. Those who don’t have the experience disabled, will play with other players who don’t. Though who do will play with other players who did.

So basically matchmaking. (or an extension if one exists)

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already did. it was reversed. blizzard ultimately decided that it didn’t matter, and placed xp-off people back with xp-on. the truth is, if you are in the 10-60 bracket, you stand to get globaled by just about anyone, regardless if twink or not. the fotm classes hit hard and a lot of abilities and enchants are improperly scaled for lower levels.

Well i meant that as an option to toggle.

You check the box that says “Exclude twinks” and bam, a BG is quing random people up who isn’t a twink. At least that’s how i envisioned it.