Twinking is out of control in bgs. A fix: stat cap

No it wasn’t. You were speaking for everybody, I wasn’t.

Time invested does not equal skill. Whoever told you that lied to you, I’m afraid.

At max level, sure! But at lower levels, that argument goes over like a lead balloon. That’s like a guy failing the 3rd grade until he’s 30 so he can be the biggest, baddest fighter at recess and telling the other kids that they can do it too or that they have access to the same gyms, sparring equipment or steroids he does. :rofl:

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Sounds like someone got beaten by a twink. :joy::joy:


No, Rosafina didn’t, she was just giving her views.

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Was talking about you.

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I know. Your response was a poor attempt at trolling, so I thought I’d toy with you a bit.

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Trolling? I was being serious!

I can see you’re already too far gone out of reality to understand the game is different than school and other impossibilities even in school or the real world.

and yes you were talking for everyonee you said queue times were x and y. My personal experience is, along with a majority of peoples(Hence why they changed BG queue systems btw!) is because queue times were far too long for many brackets.

Also, didn’t say time invested = skill, said the person with more time invested, skill, wins. If you lack the skill, or ENOUGH gear to get by, then you lose. That’s how RPGs work.

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lol yeah ok

It’s called a “comparison.” People do that to help others see things outside the box.

I said…

I forgive you.

And I asked you if you had a source for this as you are speaking for whoever “the majority” are.

That’s how end-game RPGs work.

Ah right I forgot all RPGs you gear no gear from the start of the game until you get to end-game, I forgot! Never in history did you have to grind to either have the gear, or out level content, or in pvp cases to have enough gear or skill to get the job done. Yeah, no. You’ve clearly not played an RPG.

Twinking is something that is done in many RPGs, albeit sometimes called by other names. RS for example there are “pures” that are basically the same concept. Even before XP off was a thing, btw? People twinked.

You didn’t have the gear to compete at x level bracket PvP, better luck next time. Better go for that gear that lets you succeed if you don’t have the skill to overcome said gear and get some more gear yourself.

Waiting for you to provide a source of a 30 year old in 3rd grade, btw. Since you want to keep spouting that comparison. :3

You’re asking for a source for a comparison? Really, guy? Ugh… I just wasted 15 minutes of my life.

It’s not a good comparison if that thing doesn’t even exist, since that means there’s nothing to compare it to. I think you wasted a lot more than that in your life.

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This went from a decent discussion to just plain cringeworthy.

Because you didn’t actually have a point, or a real argument in your discussion. Outside of comparing twinks to 30 year olds picking on 9 year olds(Which, would be you in this comparison… Oof.)

Predictability ftw. I knew you were going to walk away with a “you didn’t have a point” response. It’s sad because that’s how my 14 year old acts.

Wow, 14 year old as a 9 year old. More inconsistencies!

Alright twinking lets get a little bit more on topic before it got derailed by someone compairing ages for reasons idk and idc. Twinking has existed since vanilla and any other game that its possible to twink it it happens thats never not going to happen. Just in case people didn’t know you used to not be able to get xp in bgs until around cata I believe? before that there really wasn’t much of a reason to do lower bgs except for giggles and messing around. Well twinks were a thing people liked to make for various reasons like just being stronger or pushing the class at that lvl (yes thats a thing) or being a dick just various stuff not all terrible. on note of pvp itself it was never ment to be balanced at lower lvls as well never has been hell reason pvp was absolutely bonkers in vanilla because pvp was never ment to be a thing.

Well when blizz added xp to the bgs they did allow to turn of xp because they supported people making twinks but they got complains and did make seperate ques which well didn’t work reason why it was removed (note i assume it was due to people could bg and lvl so it was added to not making that a terrible time but xp was HEAVLY nerfed to the point you don’t use bgs to lvl so removing the seperate ques made sense). We also have the templates of legion which didn’t kill twinking but did change it but more so on max lvl the templates didn’t work so it was scaped.

Twinking really doesn’t need any changes to limit or what ever at this point it kinda doesn’t matter. Lower lvl pvp has never been balanced its kinda a waste of development time it changes alot due to well just class changes in general every xpac and asking for any extra balance seems like a waste. Lower bgs don’t matter they are just something to mess with some enjoy it so much they twink others just do it for a break of pace and yea sometimes you get 1 shot it happens (fun note in vanilla you could 1 shot people with crap gear just due to some classes being crazy examples is the arcane power instant cast pyros from mages and shamans windfury which was just funny to watch). Twinking really doesn’t need messed with its just a thing that happens and most people at this point know it and don’t care because low lvl bgs don’t matter and they never really have.

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Well, I got the whole idea behind twinking and stuff, but I agree that’s out of control somehow. I remember facing some twinks back in the day, but there’s an army of twinks in Alliance right now, mainly in 60-69 bracket.
I actually gave up on pvping with my low lvl horde toons because of them. They make the experience terrible and unfun, punishing me really hard for not sticking into a level bracket forever. It’s flat out Impossible to fight them.

They do, currently someone that has stop their XP gain can’t Q with the ones that haven’t.