Twinking is out of control in bgs. A fix: stat cap

OP, some people are just not good at this game. As long as players like that exist, so will twinking because it has the appeal of giving the illusion of success.

I do not think twinks need removed as you’d remove the only aspect of the game where the accomplish something. Instead, Blizzard should split the queues again. The quality of life for everyone astronomically improved during this time. Twinks didn’t have to worry about normal players wasting their time by doing non-value added things like taking objectives instead of doing what they should be and farming the GY/middle. Normal players didn’t have to worry about having people in their BGs with glowing weapons and names like “Expartgamer” from guilds like “Dun wurry we’re pro” playing whack-a-mole in the GY instead of helping their team win.

I think twinks are good at the game to be able to 1-2 shot people.


Nerf incoming…

Classes/specs aren’t balanced even a little bit at low levels. So making templates would do more harm than good.

Also, low levels are not ‘competitive’ content anyway.

I actually don’t have a problem with a system that enables someone to either have skill or to put extra hours into gearing to compete. To me that is the way it should be in fact.

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Yeah I got off topic and was talking about max level, without informing anyone else I was doing so. XD

Why though ? Two ways to get results - why should skill win over effort every time.

Fighting games and other PvP games are based on pure skill. It’s what makes most PVP go round.

What exactly do you mean by “effort?” If you’re talking about all the time to acquire all the gear, that’s a bit of a fallacy. That’s like saying a football player who’s really good at the game should lose against someone who bought gear encrusted with diamonds.


Sorry, gear should matter in an MMORPG. Perhaps you want another type of game?


In PvE sure I absolutely agree, in pvp (especially competitive) it has no place. That’s one of the very few things I liked about GW2

You are correct, it should matter but this is one of those grey areas. The point of a MMO is to get to max level then gear yourself up… continually improving. Using the “gear up” when you purposely halt your level then blame normal players for not spending an obscene amount of time/resources to reach that threshold is just plain silly.

People should be able to take a break from the mundane quest grind and do a BG here and there to keep things spiced. In doing so, they shouldn’t have to run into (as I mentioned earlier) people with glowing weapons with names like “Expartgamer” in guilds like “Dun wurry we’re pro” farming the GY.

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Twinks put forth the same effort in gearing as max level people do. The twinks just don’t do current content.


If that’s the point of an MMORPG(Not sure why you say MMO, doesn’t make much sense since there’s a lot of MMOs that don’t involve ‘max level’ and ‘gear grinding’) then why are there people doing other things like twinking and having the ability in the game to turn off XP exclusively to do this?

I just didn’t feel like typing MMORPG when I could just as easily type MMO and people would know what I meant. That’s just splitting hairs.

I’ve already explained why people in this game are doing it earlier in the thread and how you can appease everyone.

That didn’t appease everyone, hence why it was removed. Queue times were too high for one or both sides depending on the bracket and it also caused the twinking side to become stale because you end up facing the same players all the time and hardly anyone else comes into twinking because A) queue times or B)They can just play normal queues which is easier to get kills.

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they aren’t though - in this game gear is a factor and probably in other games as well and in fighting too - you want to bring a knife to a gun fight ?

PvP based on skill only drives people away from even trying PvP. OP would be complaining about something else if it was solely based on skill and they were a new player trying to learn.

I would think twinks put more effort into gearing than max level players because they go around chasing rare bis items and are more willing to do that because they know they won’t be replacing it next month.

Do you have a source for this? Queue times were NOT too high for both sides. My queue times and several others who I’ve talked agree that the queue times for XP-ON were cut by a significant amount. My queue times went from average of 15 minutes to average of 8 minutes. I think this was because people were more inclined to queue because they knew they could have fun without griefers.

In addition, queue times for XP-OFF went up for 2 possible reasons. 1) They were such a small niche and the community was not as big as they claimed it was. 2) They stopped queuing once they realized they had to fight fair fights. Both could possibly be true as well but I lean more towards 2 because of the absurd amount of threads they made back in the day complaining how “unfair it was that they had to fight fair fights.”

Sure, since your source is personal experience and friend experience; so is mine. Also, you’re already fighting a fair fight. The more time invested, skilled player wins. Just like in PvE. You can compensate for gear, to an extent, with skill as well. You don’t want to put in the effort of having good enough gear to take people down oh well.

I just queued for a bg on my lvl 19 two weeks ago and it was over 20 minutes so I don’t know where you get 8 minutes