Twinking. Good or Bad?

I think the thread is about twinking in XP ON BGS through XP DEBUFF not XP OFF BGs which you seem to be a part of :slight_smile:


No they don’t, if they did they wouldn’t have to twink.

I got max renown the same day I dinged 60 on my Warlock, it isn’t hard.

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That logic doesnt make sense…i know plenty that have higher ratings right now.

No you don’t.

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Im one of them

No you aren’t, you can prove it though?

Trimac #1537

I proved it by looking at your stats

Says your profile is hidden, and my stats say I get 2k most seasons.

But hey try me please

Trimac #1537

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I got a name change. Sec

Well its not letting me swap on this app. Ill do it when i get home. Problem-sisters of elune

Then a duel should be easy for you?

These forums are riddled with hypocrites, even more so during Shadowlands.
Its Ok to Sync queues, its OK to Party Sync.
It’s ok to just do enough rated in order to stomp Pugs via premades in randoms vs under geared players as per design.
Camp GY’s, doesn’t matter if teams start short 8v10…
The list can go on.
Largest voices in here partake in these to the fullest.


Probably but we are doing it in a wargame

Why not a duel? Should be easy peezy for you.

Its a duel with rules


i have luma on this one easy claps haha

Then you are going to lose a lot of money. As Van Damme would say

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BTW, dude she only got like 80 points more than I did two seasons ago, what are you on?