Twink Safety Alert

Lmao, this thread went off the deep end.

I can’t reply in that thread because I’m not a super-special self-important Gold Texter. But that entire issue is solved by putting XP-Off-ers in their own PvE queues like they have their own PvP queues.

Twinking is for ruining the fun of others. It always has been. Since BG twinks in vanilla.

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I only found two topics after searching. One isn’t sure for what he got banned, the other one just started a twink and leveled normally via TW before getting banned. That’s hardly a flood or any chaos. Seems like some overzealous people also reported players who only started leveling and didn’t do any macro-shenanigans.

Nevertheless I feel it’s a huge overreaction and completely unnecessary from Blizzard’s side to hand out permabans for this, because it actually did no damage to anyone. The opposite is the case, groups who met these speedrun alts even profited and got a quicker run for their weekly quest.
I would be more understanding if there was some form of consistency when it comes to punishing exploits. But I’m just shaking my head seeing how huge profession exploits that hurt the economy result in 2 week bans or a lot of exploits just go mostly unpunished. And then on this one there’s even harder punishment than for some botters.

it started off the deep end.

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i dont think being a level 11 twink is ban matrerial.

must be about the general attitude/chats that come with it :wink:

like others have said
Twinking doesn’t get you banned and neither does multi-boxing if you aren’t using botting software.

idk what really happened, but most of the time it’s “bought gold from a 3rd party” or got busted with a full auto play or rotation bot.

it’s 3am here, I’ll google for some bot banns tomorrow and see if google can find me any bot forums that are on fire with angry customers that lost 10-20 yr old accounts on that “undetectable” bot they paid for.

reddit’s not a bad place to start really. I know not long ago many of them were on there fired up about a ban wave that took out some long time accounts.

Or how about you stop acting like the game revolves around you and your XP off toon. You want to join runs, you’re making you’re own as you’re the odd man out. You don’t get to demand 4 other people “leave if you don’t like it” because you want to be a 1 man army. You’re not that important, and yes that is a hill I will die on. Twinks have no business in the regular group pool. I pay to actually play the game, not run around being some twit with an xp off toon the whole time in dungeons. Get over your entitled self.


I gotta kind of agree with this.
I lived played thru the twink pvp era way back when and it was no fun for the not-twinks


Nah you don’t get to have it both ways here. You just admitted we can separate in pvp, which means we can separate in pve too. There is no middle ground to that. The fairness issue is that twinks prevent 4 other people from being able to play and participate in the content they’re signing up for because one clown wants to roll around and be a 1 man army by cheesing scaling mechanics. If you like that sort of thing then more power to you, but I don’t. The only “collateral damage” is that people have to take all of 2 minutes to advertise they’re looking for a twink. If the majority of people really don’t care like they claim, then twinks won’t have issues getting groups. if they do then that’s just too bad.

All of the issues go away by putting twinks in their own group pool. You don’t have to hear from me and can go on your day. Twinks can do their thing, I can do mine, everyone wins. But certain entitled people think they should be allowed to ruin the run for 4 other people.

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I think there’s a huge difference between getting crushed by twinks in PvP and getting quick and easy TW runs for gear and weekly completion. One is a frustrating advantage over others. The other one something that everyone profits from.

Everyone that is, except blizz. It’s well known that blizz will go after anyone who starts to trivialise content a little too much. It’s about the only time we can get blizz to do anything in a reasonable time frame.

Cough RIP WQGF Cough :pray: :headstone:

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As someone who frequents both reddit and here… from my experience reddit is far more intelligent on average.

I don’t like ‘inflation’ my energy, money put into life, gear on Wow, and yet a twink 11 can slam thru a run, if I don’t some how keep up…get kicked.
This is NOT the only place I see this ‘inflation’ as scaling is everywhere. I put a pieces of gear into the guild bank it’s Level 12, I put it in my pack …it’s 357? My point is there is so much ‘scaling’ relativity you don’t even know what’s up or down. ’
I spend a great deal of time leveling up my gear, but I notice too… the world around me has leveled up. What, please! is the point of gearing up if the world around you is just keeping up with you.
This was NEVER the thing before Legion/BFA? I really hate this so much. Inflation is a bad thing.


That was my first thought. At least there, if someone shows proof of shady business practice, they can’t delete the thread and say “see, there’s no proof!”

And the people who post are, from my experience, not as bad. At least there, there isn’t cliques false flagging people who don’t agree with them.

Then those same people will tell you that they’re not experts at the game.

Except the people who like to actually play their toons like myself who get screwed by one impatient twit abusing mechanics relegating 4 other people to little more than NPCs on follow. You may find that fun but I don’t. See again prime reason twinks need to be separated out of the main group pool. If people still want to group with you they can, otherwise people who like to do more than have their thumb shoved up their nose the entire time can play our toons in content we signed up for. If there’s really a “majority that doesn’t care” then you won’t have any issues getting groups and will have proven everyone wrong.

If you honestly consider playing content a chore, why are you playing said content? If people want a speed run they can seek it out without forcing everyone to play like them or like it’s an M+ Infinity run. Heaven forbid you get done in 5 minutes instead of 4. Otherwise both sides win by grouping twinks into their own category. Folks who want to group with you will be there, and folks like me who want nothing to do with twinks never have to see them.


No. There’s not. Both of them destroy any fun for other players in the game. PvP twinks: the other team, PvE Twinks: their own team.


Speak for yourself.

I’d love to have a twink helping rush me through leveling dungeons.

It depends on the Twink. If they actually gather or kill all the mobs and pause for just a few seconds before each boss and let others catch up that’s fine.

And before you say, “You still get loot and credit if you fall behind”……NOT ALWAYS.

I was on a Spriest alt and just running with the group without tagging anything trying to keep up. Unfortunately I was a little behind and was killed by some random mobs.

No one stopped to Rez me. No big deal, Rez and restart at the beginning.

They kept going. No big deal. Running a use feathers and try to catch up.

They kill the last boss. No big deal, right? Wrong.
I was too far away and couldn’t loot when I got there.

I never got loot in the mail which wasn’t a big deal but I DID NOT GET CREDIT FOR THE RUN FOR THE TW QUEST.

So back into the DPS queue.
It’s not a common problem, but things like this happen.

Twinks are fine. Just be aware of your group and it’s all good.

And NO, I was not stopping to loot anything except bosses.

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It’s probably not the queue dodging, or they would have banned people exploiting it for battlegrounds YEARS ago.

No, Blizzard let them have ilvl 54-60 gear on a level 11 toon and then decided that was “exploitative.” You don’t even have to go out of your way to get it, especially during TBC week you can full kit a character right off the Timewalking vendor.

Because I dont like afking , I like playing the game and I dont get to play the game when theres a lcl 11 ruining the dungeon.

You get it now.