The issue here is that there are people who turn their experience off and want to play but are not necessarily twinks.
Maybe they’re slowly working on loremaster, or waiting for a friend to catch up, or want to do every dungeon before moving on to the next expansion, or a whatever else you can think of.
“Exp Off” is not automatically Twinking.
You can make the call to separate them in PvP because there’s a fairness issue if they ARE a twink.
You can’t make that call in PvE because there is no fairness issue. It’s all cooperative, so no one is actively hurt by having someone stronger in their group. Segregating it has collateral damage here.
You can argue about if it’s a small enough amount of damage to ignore and push through anyway. That’s fair. But it’s a different scenario than the Exp Off PvP Brackets.
There’s also room to argue that people only care because Blizzard opened up prime real estate for twinking in 11.0.5.
Before 11.0.5, it was even more of a niche activity and primarily existed in exactly 4 TBC dungeons, barely ever leaking out beyond that. In Dragonflight, it was even smaller - 2 WoD Dungeons.
It’s easier to leave a silly thing be when it’s in such an isolated corner. I wouldn’t mind being put back in the corner. 11.0.5 did not have to reduce the level requirement to queue for timewalking dungeons.
Restrict the necklace gem socket item to the proper ilvl so twinks don’t want DF Content.
Restrict the ring gem socket item to the proper ilvl so twinks don’t want TWW Seasonal Content.
Make Timewalking require level 30 again (The WotLK vendor still requires 30 anyway) so twinks don’t care about Timewalking Dungeons.
And like 98% of players will never see a twink again.
As someone who twinks, I’d personally rather end up in that situation than being forced to be isolated (or have 40 minute queues).