Twink Safety Alert

70 is a bit of a different beast and can definitely be strong. Just more annoying to set up and requires a 2nd account or not having TWW at all (which is massively inconvenient either way).

But no, a 20 MW is not stronger than an 11 MW. Zero specs get stronger at 20.

There are specs that perform better in the mid 10s (like 14-16) because they don’t have appropriate abilities to work with in the 10/11 range, but 20? Nah.

And the specs that play best in the mid-10s are just worse than the ones that play well in the low 10s.


Level 70-73 can do similar damage to a level 11.

There are some weird thresholds for this stuff.


absolutely hysterical if this is real, LOL. mmmyes lets ban people for running our dungeons in a weird way. mmmyes we do business here mmmyes shakes hands adjusts business tie

Odd… I have no idea why folks been banned, but my guess is something to do with botting or some goofy gear dropping exploit… it’s not from “just twinking”.


I could maybe see it if being botted… I don’t believe blizzard would be that self destructive.

They don’t need to be banned purely for twinking unless selling runs is the issue. But they definitely need to be kept out of regular runs so they don’t ruin it for other people. I have no issues with twinks existing, but stay the heck out of regular public runs and quit ruining it for other people that actually want to play their characters. Running behind some guy with my finger stuck in my nose the whole time isn’t fun, nor did I ask for a “carry” from someone abusing broken mechanics and scaling. If I wanted a carry I would’ve asked for one. Long past time to group twinks in their own pools and if people want to join the twinks they can group and queue.

That said this sounds like them intentionally bypassing a mechanic and thus the ban is warranted.

“But you just want runs to be slower and a chore.” Well first off if you think it’s a chore why are you playing it? Also what’s stopping you from grouping with a twink and going in? Why should other people have to give up their ability to play their toons and participate in the content just so you can feel better about a 4 minute run instead of a 5. Are you seriously that impatient.

Far as I’m concerned it’s long past time for some separation between twinks and the community at large. No legitimate reason for them and regular people to be grouped in the same pool. Let them do their thing and the rest of us do ours and everyone wins. Folks who want the “fast” runs can group with the twinks, and folks like me who actually like playing our toons aren’t subjected to twinksanity.


I have a level 50 twink. You just get an 80 to run you through Nyalotha twice and you’ve got enough “last patch” gear to become a powerhouse.

Right, but you can’t easily you a level 50 twink like you can’t use a level 11 without jumping through some hoops. While a level 20 or 70 can be used without any macros / hoops / etc. as you can make both of those max level by either using a trial account or a full account without purchasing TWW.

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All these babies crying about a 5 minute run “ruining” the game for them… drop group, requeue, problem solved… stop whining.

I don’t know of a single twink that got banned simply for “twinking”… pretty sure each and every one of them were doing something shady (botting/gear drop exploit, really bad xmog), something to get them banned… my fiance and I have been twinking like crazy for months, neither one of us got banned… but we don’t do anything “shady” and our xmogs rock.

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The issue here is that there are people who turn their experience off and want to play but are not necessarily twinks.

Maybe they’re slowly working on loremaster, or waiting for a friend to catch up, or want to do every dungeon before moving on to the next expansion, or a whatever else you can think of.

“Exp Off” is not automatically Twinking.

You can make the call to separate them in PvP because there’s a fairness issue if they ARE a twink.

You can’t make that call in PvE because there is no fairness issue. It’s all cooperative, so no one is actively hurt by having someone stronger in their group. Segregating it has collateral damage here.

You can argue about if it’s a small enough amount of damage to ignore and push through anyway. That’s fair. But it’s a different scenario than the Exp Off PvP Brackets.

There’s also room to argue that people only care because Blizzard opened up prime real estate for twinking in 11.0.5.

Before 11.0.5, it was even more of a niche activity and primarily existed in exactly 4 TBC dungeons, barely ever leaking out beyond that. In Dragonflight, it was even smaller - 2 WoD Dungeons.

It’s easier to leave a silly thing be when it’s in such an isolated corner. I wouldn’t mind being put back in the corner. 11.0.5 did not have to reduce the level requirement to queue for timewalking dungeons.

Restrict the necklace gem socket item to the proper ilvl so twinks don’t want DF Content.
Restrict the ring gem socket item to the proper ilvl so twinks don’t want TWW Seasonal Content.
Make Timewalking require level 30 again (The WotLK vendor still requires 30 anyway) so twinks don’t care about Timewalking Dungeons.

And like 98% of players will never see a twink again.

As someone who twinks, I’d personally rather end up in that situation than being forced to be isolated (or have 40 minute queues).

Boring… where’s the fun in that?

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i dont believe anything people say off reddit.
these twinks might been selling runs off a website. asking for real money . or just taking the gold and dump and pump the buyers

There’s multiple posts on Reddit that say their ban was for “cheat programs”. That doesn’t come from nowhere, which is why I was asking about AHK in an earlier comment.

A player or party reporting you because they don’t like twinks isn’t going to flag an account as using 3rd party software.

Using a macro to leave the party after the queue pops isn’t going to flag an account as using 3rd party software (though this one is definitely an exploit).

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aww the classic i was not cheating post lol seen it all time on steam forums with cod and bf

It’s totally possible they weren’t cheating - AHK is something that will get people banned these days even if it’s just something they leave running in the background despite it not inherently having anything to do with WoW.

There’s also people using visual mods which is definitely ToS breaking but Blizzard often goes long periods of time without caring about them.

But if the ban is for “programs” they definitely had something, even if it wasn’t in active use or used maliciously.

People that get banned rarely fess-up they were caught cheating… whiners reporting twinks in runs cuz they don’t like it doesn’t result in a ban… every ban is reviewed by an actual human being at Blizzard.

Someone who “was just twinking and nothing else”… they didn’t get banned.

People who twinked and used an in-game macro almost certainly didn’t get banned either (usually Blizz just disables the macro if they don’t agree with it, not bans the player).

People who twinked, botted, used 3rd-party software, exploited the game to get more gear, etc… ya… these are the folks that got banned.

This is what I’m thinking as well. I remember during the anniversary event I randomed into a group that had a husband twinking power leveling his wife’s alt. They were pretty friendly and I wound up running a few with them. They mentioned using a “trick” where she would not get his xp debuff but I didn’t ask what it was.

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That’s just the drop-group macro… something you can do in-game without a macro (ie: leave a group)… that’s not an exploit… I know tons of twinks that use that macro that didn’t get banned… no… it’s something else causing the ban… A REAL EXPLOIT… probably something with 3rd-party software, or botting, or the “100% loot drop” exploit… Blizzard only bans for out-and-out exploits that are intentional, and they hate botting or rigging loot… those things will get you banned… dropping from a group with a macro? that’s weak sauce… Blizz would just nerf the macro if they thought it was a problem.

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There’s a macro (essentially just leaving the non-instance party at the same time as accepting the queue).

They can queue sync (like PvPers do all the time - basically just queue for something specific at the same time, confirm if it popped for the other party before accepting anything, then requeue from within the dungeon from there on).

They can just turn their experience on, get in a dungeon, teleport out, and turn it back off, leaving their non-instance party manually at any point before turning it back off.

It’s not really something Blizzard can stop (I mean, we can still walk out of a Mythic+ Dungeon to change talents, same thing), so I honestly kind of doubt if they’re banning for using the macro right now (which is really what anyone saying “trick” means). It’s definitely an exploit, but it’s an exploit with multiple other blatantly less exploity avenues of achieving the same result.

Some people are also claiming “account closure”. No one is getting their account deleted over using a leave party macro, no matter the context. Something else is almost definitely going on.


Probably still better than the forums.

Wonder how people feel about people that have been doing this for Battlegrounds to get more than 5 people in it for apparently years? They even use addons for it.

I don’t know anyone that levels that fast.

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