Twink Safety Alert

I only care when it’s the super annoying twink that is basically playing a single player game comes in. They run off ahead, dont let you get to the bosses to loot badges and essentially pretend like they are playing by themselves. F’m. Lettem all get banned if this is how they are playing.



Vote for Remi for president and Remi will make your queues INSTANT!

Yeah, that’s basically what they said. So you agree with them.

In PVP? Because they wanted to make their own fun at the expense of everyone else.

In PVE? Because it completely removes any remote challenge in leveling.

Oh my goodness. You’re name+ your guild name…

Okay but like anything from BFA on is irrelevant to this, because they are queue locked.

Sure, but not everyone wants to slog through leveling. Some just want a bunch of quick 5 min runs to get through them. You’re also not forced to play with the twink because you can… leave the group after the one dungeon!

Right. I think it underscores a bigger problem with leveling being a complete waste of time, but I can understand why some people complain.

Slog? Two hours is a ‘slog’?!

I can’t, no one is forced to play with each other. It’s such a weird thing to complain about considering how most content is endgame, and these people are just chilling having fun abusing a mechanic blizzard OKed.

2 hours too many.

Vote for Remi for president and he’ll make your leveling INSTANT!

Thank you. I fought to enter that guild xD

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Don’t let characters under 20 do Time Walking, it’s a simple fix for Blizzard to make instead of making us eat a 30 minute debuff to dodge a ban if a group decides to do this.


Does the scaling problem suddenly stop at 20?

The answer is no, it does not.

Wait until you realize you can do the same with a level 70 on an account that didn’t purchase TWW. :rofl:


There are twinks of many different levels already. 20 twinks would just become more popular.

They could simply add an option that says “avoid xpoff players” so you don’t queue into groups with them for people that care.

I suppose you’d then also have to treat trial characters and people without the current expansion as xpoff.

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I attempted to explain how things work to the CC member and got condescendingly dismissed and told they know better than I do and wanted a blue post on their forum concerning policy on twinks.

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Oh no. I’m sending thought and prayers. I hope that’s enough.

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Uh, it kind of does.

20 Twinks are basically normal characters in comparison to a 10/11 twink.
(not quite, but honestly kinda close)

By 30 they can barely even solo better than a regular leveler could.

I seem to have lost my ability to post gifs at some point, so pretend there’s a raccoon mischievously rubbing its paws together right here.

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Some classes scale better at 20 than at 10 or 11. Fury warrior definitely gets weaker, but MW Monk for example gets stronger, as it needs more points to become stronger. And at 70, the higher the iLvL, the more insanely OP you get. I got a 519 iLvL Blood DK sitting on an account I didn’t purchase TWW on. It’s almost as powerful as a 11 fury warrior.


the level 70 twink lol


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