Twink advantage is broken

That’s the type of people who get upset over anything. No effort at all expect to kill everything


Upgraded or not, they still give Experience bonus %.
Maybe that should change, this would deter players from wearing outdated gear.
Performance is clearly second on the list next to Experience when you see this.

I wonder what they are really after in our battlegrounds? :thinking:

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I’ve done it. Zerker buff with double tap aim shot and incend proc. Hit close to 73k. Done from camouflage so its unpredictable.

Pretty sure this is getting a nerf next week, as it should

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They don’t actually; why would you think that they do (and why would people upgrade them?)

Why would you not upgrade them?

Lots of players refuse to upgrade the Heirlooms, much like missing slots and outdated gear.
The options are the same for everyone to enjoy.

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I think they mean upgrade the heirlooms so it scales higher. Being in the 80s wearing heirlooms that stopped leveling at 60 is hurting your team


And these are the players complaining about twinks. Irony


I wouldn’t say lots but no one should be in 70s-80s Bgs with heirloom gear that stops at level 60.

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It’s a game of 10M people, you can find examples of literally anything if that’s what you want to see

Trust me, I don’t want to see people in that kind of gear. But you called it an urban legend so figured I’d correct you.

More common in higher brackets (Higher level, more options for lower gear. :smile:), good thing in 8.1.5 there will be even more incentive to fully upgrade them.

I do the same on my twinks. There are certain groups of people who are so stupidly well geared, often with grandfathered items, and/or are such snotrockets that I’d rather have the debuff than reward their awful behavior with extra HKs. There’s twinking and then there’s being a jerk. The two aren’t mutually exclusive, but unfortunately they can have the appearance of going hand in hand.

On the other hand, I did a little experiment out of curiosity and discovered that I leveled so fast just by doing BGs, Dungeons, and gathering, no quests past lvl 10, that I couldn’t even keep up gear-wise. I got a couple dungeon bags and got into 3-4 BGs each in the 10-19 and 20-29 brackets and got maybe one or two wins. This was true for both the Horde and Alliance characters I made. I was artificially messing with XP gain by avoiding quests as the topic of curiosity was people using BGs to get XP since they’re tired of running the same quests over and over. Even so, having done a lot of low level BGs and doing some twinking myself, I would rate the gear I got to be moderate at best, with a few slots missing or only white items in some slots at 19. Things got a little better by 29, but I’ve got to side with the levelers on this one. I’m all for getting gear, but damn if it wouldn’t get expensive really fast to be buying filler stuff every few hours or days depending on rate of XP gain.

For those who are curious, the Horde character I used is Mazlunka on Wyrmrest Accord. Sadly, I deleted the Alliance one to open up a slot for a character to quest on. She was geared to approximately the same level when at 29. Lucritius (29) and Zinjud (19), both on Wyrmrest Accord, are my properly geared twinks for comparison.

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Rough life for a leveler :sweat_smile:

Pfft your a twink you got gliders!


:joy::joy::joy: :crazy_face:

You got your main poster back!

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Yep I was serious about what I said looks like our worgen buddy’s gone now XD

Which one?

The level 15 1 forgot her name she didnt beleive me haha