Did he not have the fire breath buff? Or put vigilance on you? I’m running 1% hit and like 3 expertise and nobody is ever even close to me outside of maybe on pull, but I’ve also been straight up telling people to not be wimps and just send their damage on pull so . I usually have 1m+ threat leads by the time the boss hits 50%.
The only situations I can think of where threat gets sticky is on trash if healer sends heals while I’m mid charge because I still have to waste a global rending before tclapping. And even then I can usually just jump tclap and taunt the one mob that’s out of tclap range.
Well yeah but he said “I was definitely tanking a significant amount of the time”, so I’m asking like, was the prot warrior also just braindead? I actively want mages precasting. Send that pyro. I ain’t got all day for these twilights just cause you’ve got some weak trauma from bad tanks without taunt bound
I haven’t had any issues with killing oozes (cobalt waves you can kill two) with pug groups unless there are really bad dps in there, like undergeared and not dpsing oozes. Only problem is when the tank sits on oozes.
I think the important distinction here is that they aren’t tuned for a full party of 353. Right now it’s not that big a deal since 9 out of 10 groups are gonna have that one dps that can probably handle the oozes solo after their health nerf, but in a couple of weeks when it’s all newcomers and alts that’s when things are really going to be tested
Enhance is a sleeper pump spec. You always expect the enh to be a brainlet but when played right they’re really solid.
It’s honestly wild the difference. I had an enh day one, obvious clicker, easily top dpsing every run, we did multiple dungeons. I then had an enh on wednesday who used rockbiter weapon.
-These are tuned closer to 373 not 353.
-Slimes should mimic where they spawn on Yorsahj, and pop at the edge of the fight area.
-Too many boss mechanics are not compatible with the slime mechanic, and when many overlaps happen it’s an almost guaranteed wipe.
-Mythic+ style mechanics are not fun or compatible with most of these dungeons.
Maybe I’m just used to struggling to even be on the board for dps because I went the entirety of T12 without seeing a weapon drop, so jumping from double normal Nef weapons to double No’Kaled has me on a bit of a powertrip lol
I’ve lost all scope because I spent 3 days spamming tank queues. Damage values mean nothing to me anymore. I just see the meters now. In DS last night I was just seeing my crits and like “is that even a good number? am I pumping?”
IMO, it’s not so much that it’s over-tuned for 353. A good 353 group will clear it - not stomp it, but clear it. If anything, it’s under-tuned for the target audience (people who raid missing upgrades from previous tier), not that I’m advocating for making them harder. Will say though, it makes no sense to me why they didn’t make the requirement 365 to match the HoT dungeons’ original ilvl requirement.
The real issue is the jank, especially the mana voids. It’s what happens when something is released after a few days of coding and barely any testing. Mana voids clipping through surfaces, two mana voids spawning back to back if the boss gets a second cobalt, mana voids not returning mana if killed too quickly, and a bunch of anti-synergies with the base boss mechanics that can destroy you.
People really just need to focus the prio slime the moment they spawn, the tank needs to give the dps extra time to kill one by kiting away if needed (if they can), and the healer needs to make sure they get mana back from the voids by not being too far away and bring adds in for cleave. Most of the issues I’ve seen came from someone not doing any of those basic things.
I unearthed my DK that I haven’t played since the start of Phase 1. He was 360 ilvl, still using blues in a lot of slots. Only one piece of 378 gear. I had zero issues doing the dungeons and was keeping up with most other dps while even sometimes topping on the fights. I don’t think the issue with failures is the ilvl.
While I don’t agree with the auto wipe part of this, there are DEFINITELY some big issues with the oozes. Mainly that they will spawn during certain phases of fights where it is not feasible to handle them. Beauty’s fear in Depths, The last boss of Lost City who cannot be moved, etc. There’s also a major issue/bug with the cobalt ooze. If you do not kill it an the mana void spawns, it can die easily from the tank’s red buff and if that happens mana will NOT be refunded. This is a massive bug that needs to be fixed.
SFK first boss, sometimes you auto wipe if crimson/acidic ooze aoe goes out after the aoe stun and health drain, or if you got dark adds it’s almost a guaranteed wipe.