Twilight Protocols are NOT tuned for 353

I’m pretty sure they hotfixed it so that boss can’t summon adds, it didn’t do that the last two times I did SFK. also they seemed to have gutted twilight dungeons in general they’re a faceroll now

You were able to make use of blue for a short period of time having 1 stack with bronze and they removed it. GG fun detected no one wants to do these. Better do them now while you can because as time goes on you are just going to be stuck with the super downies.

i just did a few twi’s on my hpal and pries h/d priest. i decided to try now w/ the supposed hotfixes.
i will give a casual tip for fresh who are worried lol.

started at 356? and now 373 on both my heals i’d say 360/365 is the sweet spot min ilvl would be good. starting out, i would suggest ppl go ahead and do the 3 new dungeons via specific dungeon to get some pieces via some quest n drops with no fuss, use your justice for 378’s since the 3 dungeons drop 390 and collect the frags for the 384s. theyre soooo easy so do your daily 3’s.

as for the protocols itself, they’re ok and pretty easy but i did 2. toval and the water place. i thought i was doing heroics and did not notice the goos really until i had no mp once and i didn’t even use the buffs bc i forgot lol. the cobalt needs to be priority for the sake of the healer, period. all others can wait. almost had a wipe because me and the mage couldn’t do jack lol but other than that it’s easy, way easier than wraths. i personally hated wraths but at least it was more to it lol.

I just press combust and spread it and sometimes all 3 oozes die. But cobalt is actually not an issue for fire, we can just mana gem after it drains all our mana and continue dpsing. I find dark to be way more annoying actually, the adds eat all your buff stacks.

Dark just got nerfed and only spawns 2 adds now, it’s actually super easy to just cleave them down if whoever gets fixated would stop running around like a chicken with its head cut off

They also fixed the bug where killing cobalt fast enough would not trigger the immune, so you could kill both cobalt and dark.