Twilight Protocols are NOT tuned for 353

We are a group of almost full BiS. DK tank, Rogue, Mage, Lock, Holy Paladin.

We are barely able to kill oozes before they touch the boss.

Constantly having to kite them with full dps on the oozes and 13 wipes in one Grim Batol is ridiculous!

This is NOT tuned for a group of 353 geared players!


Lost City wasn’t so bad, but Vortex Pinnacle was a nightmare. The bigger issue is that the oozes do not account for any boss’s existing mechanics, so if a boss can’t be kited or decides to summon oozes right before doing its big “go here or die” mechanic…too bad better luck next attempt

Either way yeah they aren’t tuned for 353


H+ was a mistake from the beginning.

my guild also reporting - good luck without HC FL gear

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lol 2nd boss on vortex is brutal with people not playing properly

What make it bad and I mean VERY BAD is the RNG nature of it or it seem to be RNG sometime the boss barely ever pop the Ooze other time they just don’t stop, some boss are truly a nightmare to kill other seem to be a joke.

Also the wait in between wipe to get buff back up is awful.

I can feel the gatekeeping will start soon and it will be even worst than in WOTLK Gammas.

Those dungeon would actually be fun if they remove the dumb Ooze Mechanics.


Forge boss in Grim Batol was literally impossible for my team as well because ooze spawns coincided with choose weapon so the boss would just sit there and eat all 3. Add mana voids disappearing into the wall and becoming unhittable and it was not gonna happen


They’re basically unplayable with a full caster group. The mechanic should’ve been one type of ooze each time, not all of them at once. First boss of SFK is a nightmare. To everyone that complained that infernos were boring, this is why we can’t have nice things.


Horrible, the dungeons are more frustrating than heroic raiding. Last boss of lost city is complete rng since he can knock you in the air when they spawn

At least with gammas back in wrath, the mechanics were unique and designed for dungeons. Copy pasting a raid mechanic into a 5 man with next to no room to work with was just asking for disaster. Not to mention the clearly untested mana voids clipping through everything.

worst part is the mana orb going los/completely underground


Whaaat you can’t cope with the void disappearing into the wall and becoming untargetable?! Clearly a skill issue!

No yeah, these twilight protocols are a joke. I challenge them to publicly report metrics on the % of 5 mans that are actually clearing the instance


You can tell this was thoroughly tested and not rushed at all. Overlapping mechanics with having to kill oozes seem totally legit. Like, the rewards aren’t even worth having to deal with this

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The final boss of SFK is even worst, most annoying that I ever seen.

Seem like some dungeon are just far worst than other, but I did beat all of HoO with extreme ease but we did have a full group ilvl 384+

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The globbules have way too much health. Might as well just automatically give the boss all 3 abilities every time since the only way you’ll kill one is if you kite the boss around a ton. The void sphere needs to be fixed. In deadmines it literally falls off the boat, goes through walls, etc. The fallen adds need to have their health cut in like half. 1mil + health for 3 adds every 55 seconds or whatever is so excessive especially on bosses with mechanics where you can’t stack. Dungeons should have a little difficulty but not be miserable for people to pug 1-2 players.

The only thing they absolutely need to change is make slimes CCable if the boss is casting.

Example had slimes spawn in grim batol last boss as he was channeling his shadow circle. With them immune to CC there is no chance of killung 1 before all 3 connect.

Still killed the boss but it was a well geared group.

they spawn way too close to the boss thats my only issue. other than pugs not knowing WTF they’re doing and just zug the boss. First boss in vortex pinnacle was a nightmare.

and yeah overlapping mechanics of certain bosses and when the oozes spawn feels really bad

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Please nerf these. I am dealing with so many awful players with bad gear and no gems or enchants

Already started. Joined a group that was partially though Grim Batol. The first thing said was “We kicked the other guy, if you suck we will kick you to”.

They then proceed to all need the tier gear because it is tradeable.


they should just up the ilvl req to 365

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yeah you’ll be better off this first week finding a premade group and even then it can be rough. TBH if you find a group that knows what they’re doing ilvl doesn’t matter as much. The group i was in was all 378+ but had no idea what they were doing. it was still a struggle healing the group.