I was just gonna say I looked at some of their previous posts, and it’s amazing how toxic people seem to just follow them everywhere.
Makes you think that they are either making it up for attention, or the cause of the toxic incounters themselves.
I was just gonna say I looked at some of their previous posts, and it’s amazing how toxic people seem to just follow them everywhere.
Makes you think that they are either making it up for attention, or the cause of the toxic incounters themselves.
I suspect that there’s a very large part of the player population that either didn’t play during Cata or wasn’t doing dungeons if they were playing.
Current access to Cata dungeons involves soloing them and watching stuff fall over dead. Is that how you think they can learn them?
As a casual, and I mean extreme casual, I would love this game to be completely solo style. Follower dungeons could be follower raids, remove Mythic Plus, merge the game into two realms: Story Realm and Challenge Realm, where one is just easy mode with easy gear and focuses more on the lore and story, while the other looks like a Mythic Plus sandbox.
That said, I play the game as it sits, and figure out how to play with the minimal impact from randoms and their ridiculousness. This game is what it is. People need to either deal, or move on. Sitting here whining about the behavior of others is simply a first world problem. I enjoy the game because I have figured out how to enjoy it on my terms as it sits. Others just need to yank their heads out, and find a way to make it work for them. Cause all this constant whinging about toxicity is a sign of “adults” who fail to find adult solutions.
I play the game the way I want to play it, too. I farm some gold, do old dungeons and world content. But I can see that Blizzard’s hard focus on trying to make premade group content everybody’s end game and their belief that they can change people to make them want to do this is bad for the game. People are under no obligation to change what they enjoy to join the cookie cutter elitist brigade.
Blizzard needs as many people as possible to participate in the end content they want to report as “successful”. They thought that removing options - just as they removed low keys after season 3 and eliminated dungeon progression from normal → heroic - would result in casuals and solo player deciding to become fast learners and start pushing high keys, making “friends” with other screwups like themselves and suddenly becoming elite.
I say this as a person who considers himself a screwup, someone with visual and mobility limitations who doesn’t belong in elite content but used to do low keys before they hard blocked people like me in order to make wow the hardest game in the genre, a true esport they could be proud of. Yeah, good luck with that.
Cata dungeons have been available through chromie time for a while. Beyond that I get what you mean. I’d probably still listen to dbm to get thru it. Don’t tell you everything but it helps!
I guess I just mean if you running a bunch of timewalking cata dungeons, and you die, but you don’t care what happened so you do it again and you die. Eventually you might look at what you’re doing wrong. Because those dungeons have retained a bit of their difficulty throughout the years. lol
You will probably learn quickly some of those mechanics.
Your story aside,
2.6 is low. it was ok on the 3rd week.
Im doing Tw for mounts, and theres alot of run that people wipe over and over lol
It has gotten so bad. Honestly just remove group kick and chat at this point.
It’s Cataclysm heroics. It’s known for really good dungeon design which means it has mechanical difficulty which doesn’t translate well in RDF.
Do you know what percentage of wow players have over 2.6k rating?
I do not.
Cata heroic dungeons have never been available through Chromie time.
I don’t think it’s fair to expect groups to put up with players who have no clue about how the dungeons work while the game is essentially hiding that information. And don’t tell me “read the dungeon journal which tells you everything you need to know” because it absolutely doesn’t.
HAHAHAHAHA…I can’t breathe…
Been doing timewalking dungeons since the beginning of the 20th even and haven’t had much trouble with mage, ele sham, prot warrior, or spriest. A couple of oddball runs where the tank couldn’t keep aggro if they were paid to but that was the worst of it.
That said I intentionally sit out Cata, MoP, and WoD TW. People get weird in Cata and WoD TW (probably because of mechanics) and MoP just isn’t my thing. Waiting for the others to rotate back in, people can handle those for the most part.
I hear this so often.
Where are they?
None of them on my friend list.
None of them on Twitch.
None of them in any of the Discord communities I’m in.
Was it entirely silent?
Who are these “lots of long-time players”?
a few things have made it a clusterF.
blame the 20th event and having tw ever week for months on end. also blame that its piss easy to lev up in a tw, so noone wants slower people and also blame blizz for how they f-ed up the level squish/buff in tw. twinks now can 1 hit everything, making them very toxic
if you dont like it just wait till it over and dont do it anymore, its what im doing
Not necessarily reinforcing Chantilus’ point, but to toss in an anecdote I only played occasionally during SL and I barely played in DF at all, despite having played quite a lot during BfA (which many regard as having been a disaster) and heavily playing Legion. Been playing since 2005. Wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a good number of others with similar play patterns.
This is kind of my point, though. People grow out, subs bleed out gradually, and massive swathes of people don’t share a unanimous straw for the proverbial camel.
I wouldn’t bet on that.
All it’ll take is Blizz making one wrong move to break the fragile stability they have for this franchise.
Ard. You sub for more consistent periods of time than I do.
I spend far less money than you do playing WoW.
Does this help frame my skepticism better?
This is false as you wouldn’t be privy to those kinds of details.
Nor would I be inclined to share them.