You post consistently. I can still view the forums while I’m unsubbed.
Well one time at band camp
Ok, either way there’s likely a lot of assumptions being made here.
Please practice self-awareness.
I just share the silent sentiment for WoWs downfall.
Nothing wrong with that.
I know quite a lot of people who left during SL/DF.
Also you probably alrready forgot how Ion and other devs were apologizing and “fixing” game after SL failure.
Its really easy to reproduce though, just increase difficulty overall to 50% and watch everyone leave again.
Cata chromie time dungeons feel exactly the same as these tw do in terms of difficulty last time I did it.
There are guides everywhere if people want to learn something. For now, I try to help by telling others how to do the mechanic if it gives us trouble.
Heals dies
“Shadow prison kills you move with it on you.”
Heals dies again.
“Shadow prison kills you if you move with it on you”
Dps dies.
“Why am I dying wtf!!”
I find your post funny, at no time did anyone mention level 10s in any of the previous posts, matter of fact, giving this entire thread a quick read I did not see anyone really complaining about twinks.
From what I can see it was all higher level people in the toxic runs, I maybe completely wrong and overlooked a comment, if so I stand corrected, but again it does not look like twinks are in the issue in this particular thread.
Yeah, tbh, not a comment from 11 level spinning monks or warriors in all those TW runs, they just rush through it and quit.
While I cannot say that I do not have a mistweaver or fury warrior twinks, I tend to prefer resto druid twink. I will talk and joke around if the group has that “vibe” going, if not I’ll just run the dungeon and see if they want to go again, if not I’ll bounce.
Tanks are the worst, pulling like its the MDI. This game has gotten ridiculous and it stems from the elitist jerks leadership in game development. Killing this game. All that is left are folks so addicted they will pay anything such as 90 dollar mounts for example. Milk the whales is the new meta for this game.
Shay, please do not think I’m calling you out, I’m certainly not.
Statements like the one I quoted from you are stereotypical, NOT all tanks are the worst, or all healers are the worse, or all DPS are terrible.
People play this game for many reasons and every player plays for completely different reasons and purposes. There are people on these forums that I completely disagree with on certain subjects, but I will find myself agreeing with them in other matters.
You will always find exceptions to the rule in both the bad play and the good play, you just have to watch for it. Unfortunately, it is a rare occurrence to see a post saying what good run people had with others or how good the tank/healer/dps may have been. On the forums you tend to see mostly negatives.
I know a lot of people who disliked Vanilla. This is because I was one of them, and I played Warcraft 3, which is where we remained when it released.
Vanilla was still a raving success, no matter how much I insist it was not good. (I still insist this.)
I started in vanilla but didnt get anywhere until BC. The fact is not everyone wants an intense multilayer game experience, probably the majority of people. This is why Wrath was so popular