TW badges nerfed……? Okay……?

I mean… dude’s up in here calling people NPCs and comparing this all to drugs… so… it was weird already. lol


I am not sorry that I’m matching your energy. Again, go compare sizes with someone else.

That is a fair point.

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We aren’t on the same wavelength at all and I consider that a blessing.

That would insinuate you said something important to begin with. No, what Sendryn said is correct.

As the currency is now account wide, it means that some limits will exist so our spending power is proportional to what is a reasonable rate of accruing the currency. Which Sendryn already pointed out.

You are just so busy to insult anyone who doesn’t immediately agree with you, and doing this weird “NPC spchiel”, that you’ll ignore what I said here as well. And then you’ll go off and pretend that “anyone who disagrees with you must be a robot” and yadda yadda.

You have had it explained to you, but you chose to ignore it. May I recommend growing up a bit and to quit trolling as much.

You will need over 12k badges for what the vent have to offer, I dont know if they will drop on the raids or anything but its A LOT

Blizzard is 1000% acting like a dealer, the writing is on the walls. It’s fine, there are a lot of people like y’all that haven’t lived life or seen the world. The comparison and analogy is the best way to put it. In an earlier comment I mentioned maybe I’m just jaded and think blizz has it out for casuals. After more thought, I realize they don’t value yours or my time whatsoever. It’s a simple fact, and calling them a drug dealer is also a fact. With how they act and treat their customers

Getting upset over the wrong nerf. Timewalking beginning next year will only award 10 badges from the repeatable quest.

source please

Blizzard is acting like a corporation. There’s a bit of a difference.

When an MMO is your product no there is not.

They are purposefully farming more ways for people to get addicted, even if those people are mad while they play. Blizz knows they’ll get those mad people eventually as long as they don’t think about the bs.

The strawman some of you are constructing is so weird.

I have roughly 340k tw badges. Im not a whale, I have about 3M gold, I don’t buy tokens for gold, I do pay for my game time with tokens (have since about mid BfA). That 340k badges is about 7-8 years worth of doing most/all tw events on 3-7 alts, just the weekly 5 dungeons, sometimes the tw raid and done, thats it. It is a bit no life-y.

The 20th anniversary isnt going to make a ding in my currency tab (especially since they took away the pvp reps). What will though is the scaling change; see, I could bang out 5 timewalking dungeons in an hour per alt thanks to timewalking sets. Now? I’ll probably do Legion weeks and that’s it.

(post deleted by author)

We’ve been seeing it since early access ended. Increased leveling difficulty, which will equate to more play time. Valorstone acquisition rate nerf, which will equate to more play time. TW badge nerf, meaning more play time.

Everything they’re doing ultimately makes players play more. Some of us only have a couple hours a day to play. None of this makes me want to stick around.

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Blizz is run by robuts, which is why all the characters in the lore are all of a sudden being revealed to be robuts lately.

I’ve noticed timewalking queues are longer now.

Turns out people don’t dust off their alt healers/tanks when the rewards are nerfed.

Good work, Blizzard!

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As I said…

…and all the whining about it doesnt alter reality

I didnt think about that.
Makes sense.
I know it killed it for me.
I was just running a new alt thru for the little extra XP and it seemed like some of the queues were excessive for TW

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lmao…its time invested, joker.
you ARENT this dense so please stop pretending to be

It is ABSOLUTELY NOT still more badges than previous expansions. It is objectively 60% fewer badges per alt (200 vs 500). What it IS is more IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE badges to use. So it’s both good (less time to get that one mount) and bad (much longer time to get those 10 mounts). Depends on your needs whether it’s better for you. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil: