In what world is Blizzard living in? Nerfing a currency AGAIN for the rest of the player base who didn’t stockpile said currency? At this point you’re a company that does nothing but lie, and constantly change the game we think we are paying for. Whoever thinks of these changes is literal slimey scum.
Modern blizz wants you to be an actual robot and worker bee for them wayyyyy more than Epic games does their Fortnite players. More than Riot does for its player base, more than Bungie did to Destiny players… etc.
Right so the game only exists because of the wales who no life everything (which is fine) until said thing is changed. Exploit early and often right? This should’ve been something implemented at the start of the expansion. They teased us with last TW event, just so they can pull the rug out from under us.
It was inadvertently buffed when Warbands became active, as you can transfer Timewarped Badges between characters instead of grinding out the large amounts for mounts, toys, and other rewards on a single character.
Got way more TW badges last event guess time will show ya. It’s a crappy change to make right before they are going to do their anniversary event. Seems like a pattern, they always make these changes RIGHT before something big is coming that involves said thing….
Do these people even play the game? Or do they just code crap off a to do list? Christ dude the timing of when they make changes is what makes me upset the most.
“Inadvertently” or rather they use gotcha mechanics like that to rope people in during a honeymoon phase, so they can roll stuff back and make already planned before changes whenever they want to…