TW badges nerfed……? Okay……?

This shocked me a bit at first too, but then you realize they’re transferable and not so big a deal. I’m assuming that’s why.

You’re wound pretty tight for a Panda. Quit pretending cakewalk Timewalking runs are some huge time investment.

I already said I agree that the timing is suspect. They should have known the ramifications of the Warband system for the Timewalking badges and adjusted from the beginning of the expansion.

But they didn’t. It’s a fair complaint that they ran one TWing week with the old rule in place and lacked that foresight.

I don’t really see the need to nerf it since the TWing badges only buy cosmetics and garbage gear that’s useless. Seems like they’re just trying to make sure everyone has a little less fun at the 20th Anniversary event. My guess is they looked at the numbers on the token accumulation after the BC timewalking event and decided to slow things down so they’d raise engagement metrics.

It also sucks for people who weren’t already sitting on years of accumulated badges on their alts to not be able to benefit as much from the Warband system.

But none of that makes whining about how big of an effort the nerfed TWing runs are. that’s just silliness.

Have a snickers and come back. Azeroth needs you!

If you’re going to be pedantic and ignore the majority of the context I gave, at least get your numbers right.
