TW badges nerfed……? Okay……?

Meh, you can’t lower rewards in an MMO. It leads to revolt.

Why do the content if you only get 40% of the reward after the first time.

I don’t do weekly rep quests on my alt. I don’t want 150 kej for running a dungeon. I understand the removal of rep for subsequent runs but leaving basically nothing as a reward means I’m just not doing it on alts, bottom line. I’ll do activities I can actually earn adequate rewards for my time and effort.


This is exactly where I’m at mentally

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Can I have your gold / stuff?

Nah, the gold goes to my youtube subs, is almost 30mill so im not just giving it away

No, it’s not. background: I have ~300k badges. This doesn’t affect me. It’s still a dumb and pointless change.

First, badges are for buying cosmetics. What’s the argument here? People are getting cosmetics too fast?

Second, the actual drop rate makes no sense. 5-10 per boss? The weeklies are really the only way to farm badges. Nothing else matters. The drop rate should at least be increased with this change.

Third, the warbound transfer is actually irrelevant. Why? Because nobody farms all the cosmetics on one toon. If they are, they’re deliberatell,y making things hard for themselves. What you do is you take 5-10+ alts and get them to do the 500 badge dungeon weekly every TW week. In about 8 months with 10 toons doing 100 dungeons you have ~53K badges betwen them. 6 of those toons can buy 1 mount each.

This is the only reasonable way to farm badges. Nobody is farming 50,000 badges on one toon. Nobody. Do the math. That’ll take you ~100 TW events doing 1 dungeon each week to make the same number of badges. That’s like 7-8 years. Do more dungeons (eg 5 for the weekly chest) and you still need about 95 TW weeks because the drop rate is so low.

Sure there’s a raid too for another 500 badges but the 10 alts can do that too and get there in half the time.

So dropping the weekly to 200 badges is a strict nerf for cosmetics that punishes newer players for literally no reason.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. As outlined above. Everybody who farmed the cosmetics used alts. All those alts could buy cosmetics. The idea that you have 300 badges on alts here and there is a silly corner case that doesn’t justify a nerf.

That was the point of Warbands. And as I outline above, it’s not really an improvement because you were buying cosmetics using multiple alts anyway. If you were remotely organized, making this a warbound currency did not help you at all. But getting 500 badges per alt per week absolutely helped you.

Yes they were. People were already getting 5000 a week and spending them all.

As usual, Blizzard should be asking:

  • Who does this help?
  • Who asked for this?
  • What problem does it solve?

Let’s remember, this is a currency for cosmetics.


Making the currency war bound is actually a buff! Your entire post is disingenuous. You have way more buying power after the change.

There are enough real issues to gripe about.

The badges are transferrable. Hope this helps, your entire tirade depended on that not being the case.

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mines were stacking up and gathering dust. never found something i wanted to buy with it.

surprised to see how many people actually care heh

Why? You are taking just as much time to earn them. The fact they are transferable is only a tiny convenience, most certainly not worth that kind of reduction.

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But now you can move them all onto one toon for spending.

Hope this helps.

I am not one in a constant hurry - I didn’t need everything right away so being able to transfer really is a minor convenience for me certainly not worth the reduction. I have no idea why I had to repeat that but since you seem to have missed it the first time.

This isn’t a counterargument.

It’s only nerfed for alts so people don’t get a quadrillion badges on the first week of the anniversary and then complain there’s nothing to buy with badges.

It’s really not that big of a deal. You still get additional badges for doing stuff with an alt army.


I bet I can guess your politics with your attitude of thinking you should tell me how I should think and feel about this.

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Who asked?

Most people playing alts already have over 30k of these sitting around.

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Should have just left them alone.
Just bliz taking a win and turning it into a loss anyway.

You do have to ignore those in here who defend this kind of crap.
I think THEY think bliz is giving them secret brownie points when they defend garbage moves like this nerf lmao

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XP in TW dungeons in TWW = axed
Subsequent badge earnings on alts = axed
Plans to scale dungeons UP to the character level instead of scaling the character DOWN means your gear level will be relevant, breaks forms of play, BIS hunting for TW/Mage Tower dungeons, and breaks communities.

Blizz has trashed TW dungeons, something that always worked pretty well and did it’s job of keeping people interested/subbed
Just like blizz intended to trash m+ this xpac


Because if you don’t ignore them you’re objectively incorrect, like these guys;

which some of these circus jokers are missing the point in all of this.
While WE may have tens or even hundreds of thousands of badges…new players will get 40% of them for the same work we put in.

Actually, this sounds just like some /played time thing blizzard would pull now that Im saying it like that lmao