I assume the Tuskarr on the Dragon Isles aren’t the same Tuskarr from Northrend.
Is it?
I mean I really hate the idea of tuskarr as a AR, imo it is a waste but… I would like a link about this.
Taliesen interview you can watch it.
i would make a move for the tuskar race to be playable in 10.0 as there are no tanks in 10.0 and the tuskar could fill that slot to be playable
With Ions response about “What sword” and how he deflected there made me think of T&E question about Tuskar and how Ion also said something very abstract, “Too powerful like the Naru or something like that”, possibly incoming allied race?
I personally wouldnt play one, and I think those tusks would clip hard.
letter for Ion: dale Ion you were also a Warcraft player how you would have liked to play with the tuskar race support the wow community if the tuskar enter it is money that enters tuskar tanks
I’m personally more excited for the possibility of gnolls as an allied race. Tuskarr are just kind of fat, I don’t really get it
The truth is I don’t know what reasons you expect from the wow community so that the tuskar can reach the playable race in wow I can’t comment anymore I already threw my last card played support this topic I give up
I give you an example of a playable fat man the kultiranos are fat and are from the alliance another example is the ogres but it does not appear as playable it only appears as an npc in different places for the horde
Because it cannot be a playable race, the Tuskars have warrior tanks, the Tuskars have nothing to do with their being fat other races are fat and other ridiculous like vulperas and mechagnomes
Yeah, and I thought that was a bad race to add too. And the numbers show it, no one plays it
Yeah it was told by an NPC that Tuskarr didn’t survive long. To be fair the sample were captured and enslaved. The NPC associated it with climate. Since the source is a fallible narrator, then it’s not really shocking to see an NPC in DMF, or the Tuskarr in Pandaria, and I think their was one in Kul Tiras somewhere?
There are Tuskarr on the Broken Isles, too. There’s several in the one quest line in Azsuna.
That being said, I would main a Tuskarr in a heartbeat.
Hopefully that happens that they invade the tuskar race each expansion for the lore allows you to play with the tuskar race
Horde colleague seeing that the tuskar race appears in the alliance lore I think your wish to be able to use a tuskar in the horde will be impossible since they have an affinity for the alliance sorry for that
Ion was just messing with Taliesin in that interview, regarding what he said about the Tuskarr. In short, he wasn’t being serious.
Supposedly, they’ve either arrived there after the beacon was activated, once again revealing the islands to the world, or they came there before it was shut down and the islands were hidden. My money is on option number 2.
As early as 10.0? I have my doubts, but I’m hoping for either patch 10.1.0 or something like that, once we’ve gotten through the story involving the Tuskarr on the Dragon Isles.
Yeah, it certainly didn’t sound like Ion was actually serious with those comments.
We all play what we like. As for the tusks, it’s not uncommon that they’ll just code it so that the tusks aren’t visible while wearing certain helm pieces.
Same as above, we all have our preferences.
Pretty much.
gimmi tortollan
I’m sorry fellow horde I think it will be impossible for the tuskar to be a playable race because the video you saw is a trolling the mount of the tuskar is a vicious PVP mount of the alliance
Uhm, no it isn’t? Sorry, not sure what you meant with this post.
Anyway, others do seem to agree about Tuskarr(read the chat), that it would be a good thing to do, to add it as an allied race.