Tuskarr - Playable race

I just hope that the remaining core races get their heritage sets in DF. Draenei and Darkspear in particular are missing out.


Warrior, Hunter, and Rogue for certain. Shaman and Druid would make sense. Snow tiger cat form, or sabertooth tiger anyone?

DK could work and just toss them in the original DK starting zone as the Northrend variety.

Maybe priest, but not so sure.

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Ah snaps, here we go againā€¦

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No, any new races must be death knights. The hero class feature fir them is that all races can be a death knight.

I do really like gnolls, I wonā€™t lie. And if they were available, Iā€™d absolutely give them a try.

But Hogger has always been more of an Alliance mascot. We used to joke back in Ye Olden Dayes that the Horde would always talk about Saurfang, but no one actually IN the Alliance was interesting enough, so you guys got Hogger instead.

Lore frequently mentions Shamans so, itā€™s a given.

Druid wouldnā€™t be the most fitting, but could deff work as well.

Yep, why not.

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They already gave you an invitation for the alpha of DF so you can see if the tuskars are going to be a playable race it is difficult to put a helmet on them
PS: the problem is not to fight, the problem is to put a helmet on the pj tuskar

First they already had a problem putting a helmet on the Tauren, second case they already had a problem putting a helmet on the Worgen and in this case they will also have a problem putting a helmet on the Tuskar

I would love for Tuskar to be a playable race. Same with the gnolls. The new models look great.


Iā€™m surprised I keep seeing this. Tuskar just seem pretty dumb and uninteresting to me. To each their own though. If there really is enough that want it, I guess do it. Give them to the horde though because they just look too silly for me. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Itā€™s always a subjective matter. Some like it, some donā€™t. And some donā€™t care either way. The best thing would be to make it a neutral race as plenty of players from both factions have voiced interest in them. For anyone that doesnā€™t want to play one, they donā€™t have to.

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And Centaur. They had the perfect opportunity to add Tuskar and Centaur, but no we got Derpthyr who canā€™t even figure out how to use a sword instead.

Iā€™ve always found tuskarr to be on the underdeveloped side, but since theyā€™re relevant again and got new models, I wonā€™t object to them being playable as long as they get some real lore. Donā€™t just plop them onto one or both factions without delving into who they are as a race like what happened to vulpera.

I think I read somewhere that tuskarr canā€™t survive in warm climates, but in a game where undead can channel and be healed by the Light and not scream in pain every time, I can see Blizzard just ignoring that tidbit. The ones in Azsuna and Freehold didnā€™t seem to mind the heat.

Would be a bit ironic for a race that lives in tundras to not have two of the three classes that fight using frost magic, but then again dwarves didnā€™t have mages until Cataclysm.

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Donā€™t Tuskarr need to live somewhere really cold or they die?

Tuskarr is already a playable race on some private servers.

Itā€™s a good thing that the actual retail version of the game might possibly catch up eventually in that regard.

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Suppose Blizzard developers enlarge his head to wear a helmet the pj tuskar and Suppose you are given a lore to be Playable race in both factions how to motivate the wow community to play the tuskar playable race?

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We can find newly added venturing tuskarrs in Dazarā€™alor in Zandalar. Seems like blizz donā€™t agree with that theory. Honestly, even if it is so, I would argue itā€™s a rather small thing to change, lore wise. Compared to many other things weā€™ve seen over the years.


Not sure what this means.

Some quest chain for us to go through on the Dragon Isles, one that could also take us back to Northrend. Beyond that, itā€™s like all other allied races.

The dazaralor ones I just figured cooled off in the underwater bars

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I expect good news from the developers at Blizzard that the tuskar race may become a playable race in the 10.0 expansion as it has a lot of issues to work out.

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