Turtle Shell is trash. Please just remove this awful defensive

There are two different conversations going on, though. Y’all are conflating the guys opinions about other things (deflection vs immunity, dots, spells in flight) with the known animation situation.

Not putting words in people’s mouths. You guys are literally arguing semantics. As if semantics changes how the game is programmed…

You disagreed with the animation timer yet offered up no useful rebuttal other than it’s not an immunity. Clearly once it’s up though, you’re immune. Again, this is just semantics. Use whatever words you want to describe what’s happening.

They could just as easily change that. That’s it.

So call it whatever you want. Animation timer. Delay. Who cares. End result is the same and I think it’s a bad design. That’s it.



turtle is fine user problem. might want to do what hotcarl said and watch your gladius or focus better.

98% of the time you fix it yourself by just turtling earlier. Stars sometimes align when things can oneshot and the non-instant animation can screw you.

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yea buddy welcome to world of warcraft. hunters are not special for having this issue.

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There’s no animation. You get the aura instantly.


And even despite the spell going on cooldown and the aura being present, hits that should be deflected are not until the animation is finished. You can see it all on the combat log.

And turtle is not immediately effective.

It is against abilities not cast before it. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


Melee abilities aren’t casted. They do not have a travel time. Travel time is coded in based off the animation. It’s just a design thing. They could change this, but it would make the game look less realistic.

By that same logic though, turtle should be effective immediately, yet it isn’t.

The facts are its not an immunity, they can code it however they want but as of right now it’s not an immunity.

The known travel time/latency situation combined with turtle not being an immunity is what causes this

This is why you’re get “dunked on” as you say. You are wrong, very experienced players (more so then you) are telling you that you are wrong and explaining how yet you stand there and argue until your blue in the face.

Not a single person has said it wasn’t bad design, again words in mouths.

kenny is that kid that says ‘actually’ in class.

It’s not my fault that the teacher isn’t as familiar with the material as they could be.

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I really hate to ask … but did you try to line it? sorry its the go to advice on the arena forums lol

This is describing the scenario where you press turtle logically at the same time as the melee that uses ms/shadow tech/whatever in melee range. If your combat log registers turtle aura being active, that melee hit should be deflected. It’s not a matter of travel time because both abilities are instant and you’re in melee range.

If turtle aura is active, there shouldn’t be proceeding melee swings landing. This is where I think adroi is getting frustrated bc it doesn’t matter if it’s supposed to immune it or deflect it. The deflection aura is active when the melee attack was used and the melee attack still goes off. If it was latency, you wouldn’t see turtle first on the combat log. It really does not start deflecting anything until the animation is done. It’s animation is slower than most melee abilities are, so if you use them logically within however many fractions of a global, the melee one still goes through.

Dead warlock behind pillar.

Mage dying after blinking.

It’s just the most obvious on Hunter when you use the ability late and eat a giant verdict/ms/execute.

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According to who? Combat logs are not the end all on what’s going on, though it is the best source available currently.

Your responses amount to little more then “trust me bro.” You can say I’m wrong all you want, but you don’t actually offer up any arguments.

As far as experience, please spare me. What a ridiculous response. As if how I’m look at data is dependant on my experience. Oh, my bad bro, I didn’t get glad when it was easy. So sorry.

I can only imagine you using that argument with the people who actually code the game. “sorry dudes, You don’t have 3k+ XP so your opinion doesn’t matter.”


I didn’t say you said or didn’t say that? What the hell man.

We’re not the ones claiming turtle has some unique and esoteric interactions only understood by few.