Turtle Shell is trash. Please just remove this awful defensive

So tired of it. Just an absolutely trash defensive.

.8s later. I get it. Travel time. bla bla bla. It’s bad enough I have to burn trinket to turtle and I still just flop almost a second later. Turtle should absolutely stop all incoming damage the second it gets used. The ONLY thing that should remain are dots. Turtle should also interrupt channeled abilities. Too many abilities completely negate it.


Also lol destro damage.


just turtle before he casts bolt 4head


True… true.

I was thinking about calling up the psychic friends network before my next match. Need to know when those bolts are gonna hit. :frowning:

Put them on your focus and you can always watch them

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That’s what gladius is for Warmcarl.

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Should have just melded it


Race change inc!

So what’s your issue, you need a psychic to watch gladius for you?

My issue is exactly what I stated.

Sounds like a git gud issue

Might want to be ‘gud’ first there Warmcarl.

Lol says the guy that can’t watch a cast bar

If they bolt into a wind, it may mess up your timing, happens to me all the time.

I am watching man. My issue is that every defensive ability still works after the cast goes off. If you cloak after the cast, it will still ignore the damage. Bubble, block, etc. They all stop the damage instantly. Spell reflect? It still reflects spells in the air.

Do you get that? A lot can happen in .8s. Before the cast even lands I can go from being okay to being in danger.

It’s a poorly designed ability. Even melee attacks can still hit you after you use turtle for .2-.3s after. These days that can be 20-30% of your health.


  • I give you good turtle
  • You lose feign dispel


Seems weird, but that’s fine. Feign dispel isn’t that great these days. I’d drop it if we had some other useful PvP talents.

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no it doesnt. turtle is not an immunity like block/bubble/cloak


Not poking fun at all, are you new to hunter? Because poorly designed or not its worked like that for years even when it was deterrence. Spell goes off before you hit deterrence, it still counts like you said

The dispel itself is whatever, the lack of counter play to it is toxic. If an aff lock or spriest just pulled a giga brain play to get a rack of dots off through a hunter and his melee partner, it shouldn’t be a get out of jail free card with no backlash affect.

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New to hunter?

It has worked like that for years and the game has also changed a lot over the years. It’s been bad for ages. It’s why they gave hunters SotF.

Travel time and latency have always been broken. It’s why you can fake cast as a caster, the casts stops, and you still get kicked. The game isn’t perfect. In this case even, I thought I got turtle off prior to the cast finishing. Again, .8s is a pretty long amount of time these days.

I don’t see how it’s toxic these days. Affliction barely is affected and shadow can pretty much instantly get those dots back up. It’s a minor inconvenience at best.