Turtle Shell is trash. Please just remove this awful defensive

Hunter doesn’t even have any bad talents now that they reworked the tar thing into a disarm, right? :dracthyr_tea:

What is your problem man?

I said something simple. It’s not as good as it once was. If you disagree, fine. This isn’t a controversial take. When it was first introduced, the forums were blowing up over it. Now it’s whatever.

We have a couple still, but our pvp talents are easily one of the best.

My problem is fried takes that are being double’d down.

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Downplaying it? I just said it wasn’t as good as it once was. For a time it was crazy with meta makeup.

Whatever man. I hate the forums sometimes. There is seriously a staggering lack of good will. Everyone is looking to bash on everyone the second they get a chance.

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You have a wall also.

Im sorry but, this hard counters aff, and you dont take the ua damage.

Aff used to counter hunters and would slam them through turtle

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As someone who plays all the dot specs being able to feign them is disgusting

You’re thinking about just removing a couple tiny dots and now how essential they are to kits

There’s a reason that like rsham Cupid is an auto loss for me


That’s cap


I ate a 270k shadow tech in turtle animation last night. Trinket turtled at 60% and still died.

So what I got from this is Nerf Locks an frost Dk Buff hunters an Ret paladins. Gotcha next patch we goooo

No just remove the stupid animation. Deterrence was instant. Whatever happens before the animation is finished doesn’t get blocked by turtle.

I agree with you on this one. It is rarely an issue, but when it is, it feels broken. There isn’t another defensive that I know of that can technically be cheesed like turtle can. There are definitely situations where it’s better to turtle earlier anyway, but there are others when you realistically turtled at the right time and still get screwed. Rogue was running the sepsis flagellation oneshot build, me and disc read the setup properly and I trinket turtle at 60% on the blind on my disc, rogue pressed ST and it went off in the animation, killed me from 60-0. Anyone who says that this is working the way a defensive is intended to work is definitely not a good faith poster. Again, it’s rare and very unlucky for stuff like this to happen, but it does happen and it’s not a normal thing that you should have to expect to deal with.

i think this is untrue

He’d be singing a different tune if he couldn’t last second cloak and live and it was the same as turtle :rofl:

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Recommend turtling quicker in the future.


Bubble, bop, and bosw don’t have to worry about travel time.

Bubble is love, bubble is life

No, bertimus is right. Its not net code lag, the turtle deflect literally doesn’t happen until the animation completes (the bubble comes down around you). It’s the only ability I’ve seen that works like this but It’s pretty well known to hunters and I’ve seen it talked about on hunter streams before.

I’d recommend considering having a secondary turtle macro that includes medallion.

it becomes clear you are not reading the replies you get. i will refrain from posting anything further unless i think it’d be funny

I mean at the end of the day it was explained that feign death was just a better response in general and you don’t think survival tactics is good which is weird