i agree buff rogues
This part is fried.
Well, guess I’ll disagree. I don’t think it has nearly as much value as it did in the past. This isn’t some complicated or controversial take. There is nearly as many dispellable items that are critical. It’s still useful.
It’s just…how the game works.
It feels like a mid-air chaos bolt should be reflected or deflected, but it isn’t, so here we are.
And that’s my issue.
Yea that’s incorrect.
If you’re only using it for the dispel you’re doing it wrong. Feign deathing the bolt with tactics would of saved you better then turtle did.
Well, it’s an opinion.
Specifically talking about the dispel portion, which is exactly what I was responding to.
Removing dots every 30sec is objectively insane.
Still cracked.
Not really. Especially when most of those same specs can nearly instantly reapply them.
Solid. Thanks for responding bud. What an amazing interaction we are having. Apologies for having a different opinion then you. Will try not to let it happen again.
Different opinions are fine, fried takes are still fried though. This is like saying Craven wasn’t disgusting last expac.
It was busted and everyone knew it. I legitimately don’t see how it’s fried considering the damage profiles we have now. Like, do you want me to track all my death logs for you? How many deaths is the dispel portion preventing? Maybe slowing the game down by a second or two? Nearly all the damage that’s destroying us is direct. It’s instant or hard casted abilities. There aren’t nearly as many modifiers or spell rotations relying on applied magic affects.
Again, I’m not arguing it’s not good. Simply saying it doesn’t have nearly as much value as it once did.
Our PvP choices are bland now, so it’s not like it’s a hard pick…
I remember in BFA queuing into a haste stacked Fire/Destro team that’d focus cast @ healer and the Mage gets 2 gpyros off and my healer steps behind the pillar and goes “im dead, aren’t i” and what felt like two seconds later just has everything connect on him at once and die.
Anyways, sometimes it just be like that.
i mean it comes with a 90% damage reduction for 1.5 seconds too
I’m sorry what!? Our pvp talents are absolutely insane.
Tactics/Sting pretty much an auto pick, we have bandage/diamond ice/disarm/tranq darts are all really good pics for situations.
Not many specs have as many options as we do.
That wasn’t what I responded to though.
Literally my point.
And what point is that, an insanely good talent is an auto pick?
Done arguing dude. The overly exasperated responses get old.
A cool and good ability is bland?
There are some pretty dull ones out there, like the ret aura that just buffs healing/dmg a bit.
You’re argument is really bad, you being the only one thinking it isn’t is what’s getting old.
dude the magic removal is insane into many specs. idk why youre downplaying it. “they can just reapply instantly” is such a weak argument because its not even true, esp as survival when you have so many tools to stagger incoming damage ramp ups