Turtle Shell is trash. Please just remove this awful defensive

turtle is fine the way it is

No, it really isn’t.

Take a break, you becoming a negative nancy. Shuffle takes a toll.

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Am not. =|

What about feign dispel? :face_with_monocle:

it is, youre just turtling too late. Again, its not an immunity

Survival Tactics is good

Didn’t say it was. It’s poorly designed.

I dont see how. Hunter has feign to stop mid air cast damage.

where do i sign

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Did you read anything I typed?

you want turtle to stop all damage the second its pressed. I disagree. If you are turtling too late then you should take the damage.

The damage is already in the air, should have turtled the cast if you knew it was unavoidable

Agreed, about feign dispel.

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So you think it’s fine if execute hits me .3s after I use turtle? That’s good design to you?

Because of latency? that’s a server issue

I get youre frustrated but turtle is a really balanced defensive the way it is

dunno about that one chief
maybe in 2011 it was

No. Not because latency. Because turtle has an animation timer.

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idk ive never had that problem. I’ve died because ive turtled too late


This is completely fried wtf…

good turtle me is 2x charges with the reflect major glyph preinstalled
this is an easy w in my eyes

What’s that?