Turning WOTLK into retail

it’s ok to enjoy some other games

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That is a lot more difficult to do than you might think right now with the current state of gaming.

If you stopped spending all your time arguing about GS on the wow forums you might find their are a lot of amazing games out their right now.

You mean like Halo infinite? Nope. Like Diablo Immortal? Nope. Like Diablo 4? Nope. WarCraft 3 Reforged? Nope.

Only the new RTS game coming out soon made by the original Blizzard team may be good.

Where was RTS mentioned? Are we having different conversations? Most of the games you listed aren’t even from this year. You know you can play games from developers that aren’t 10-15 years old right, no one is forcing you to stay here.

Original Blizz team is making a new RTS game I said. I mentioned that. 100% made up of all original WoW developers. I got the beta for it. And yea as it stands, games and movies, television shows, even books now all have the same basic theme going…to push an agenda. They will throw in politics and their own world view now and on top of that, add lots of unfinished content that you can just get fixed by buying more from them.

Its exactly the argument.

It was brought up specifically. So whats the issue?

No they really couldnt. How would you rectify the issue of people just stockpiling all their sidereal to just spend on the new gear? You would either have to create a new currency and downgrade your sidereals to that new currency and make all the items that cost sidereal into that new essence, create a new currency while leaving the sidereals to be used for what they are already used for, or wipe everyone progress clean every phase.

Its not an issue.

Then get a job at Blizzard and fix it in 30 minutes. Most people that say this dont actually have a solution. Just like the other person saying sidereals are already in place and plaguestones didnt need to be brought in, yet you cant just have people stockpiling their sidereals to buy new gear. You have to reset it in some way.

You cant say its a simple fix, yet say they are keeping things because they are lazy. If people gravitate toward the path of least resistance then the simple fix cant be that simple and actually involve more work.

Go away, If blizzard offers me a Job to help develop. I would gladly take it, but until then I’ll just keep my current job that I enjoy. Just because you can’t do it doesn’t make it hard to do. I literally have experience in what I’m talking about.

All they have do… Hold on here. Is change the item ids on the vendors and remove the currency from the display tab. Do you know how hard it is to change 100#s? Well let me tell you since we are just changing one to another I can have almost any program automate that for you. Like I said 30mins to do what I’m saying is outrageous, but I’m not familiar with their specific engine and coding that they are using now, but people have been making pservers a long time and adding content very easily, wow code is not hard to work with or change.

Seems like I do have a solution for the problem I’ve mentioned.


Then go apply for a job there. There are always job openings so go for it. But its not like your complaints actually matter because this is Wrath and these are the currencies that we had. Its not like they changed the game and added something to it that wasnt there like H+ dungeons. There arent that many currencies anyways and you talking about other games not having this many… yes they do, and sometimes more. GW2 for instance has a lot of currencies. Ill list a few

Unbound Magic
Fresh Winterberry
Blood Ruby
Petrified Wood
Astral Acclaim
Airship Parts
Ley Line Crystals

These are all for max level as well and I could have went on naming more.

There are 5 emblems in Wrath and they dont have to constantly convert currencies into other currencies and go around changing the currencies within vendors.

Hmmm… looks like a contradiction. Usually how it goes.

I’ll stay at the job I enjoy currently. I’m not going to put effort into applying for a company that says they are going to fix something and then make it worse. If they show they want to improve the game I’ll gladly apply. I love the IP and would rather work on WoW than the games I do, but I’d rather work with developers that are spending the money they take from players to make the game better.

I said other games not GW2.

They don’t have to do any conversions to remove them. You already can’t get the currencies I’m saying to remove.

Not a contradiction at all. I am familiar with the 3.3.5a client which I would find it hard to believe they’ve made it harder to change the game because it would be silly. Just because I’m not familiar with the most recent version doesn’t mean it doesn’t follow simple designs of all game engines. I’m not sure if you know this but computers are all 0s&1s.

There is tons of proof that the game is easy to change from all the pservers, you’d have to be ignorant to argue against that. Games that are hard to change don’t get modded.

Then dont say how easy it is.

GW2 is an other game. You cant just say “OTHER GAMES DONT!” and then say “oh well not THAT one! That one ruins my argument!”

Yes you can. And they would have to convert them. They absolutely would. You would have to go through and convert everyones unspent heroism, valor and conquest into whatever arbitrary currency you are happy and constantly convert the top currency into the lower currency every phase. Thats what they had to do when they went to a 2 currency system for pve.

We arent on the 3.3.5a client.

Binary, but thats not what coding is. You arent going in and typing 1101000101011 to code anything. So saying computers are binary is just an attempt for you to feel better about yourself while not actually adding anything to the conversation especially when it comes to coding.

They dont use the same client and go play those private servers if thats what you want to play.

Again, its not about difficulty. I dont know why people have an issue with understanding the difference between difficulty, and the amount of work being done.

Then go play those modded private servers or go make your own. Its that simple.

Exactly what agenda and politics are they “trying to push”??

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It can be easy and I can not work there. Those facts don’t relate to each other at all.

The game argument is bad either way, I can cherry pick games just as much as you can. In the end blizzard acknowledged the issue, so other games are really a bad point for either of us to argue.

You literally are clueless to how easy this is. The script is already wrote for arena/honor points. It’s changing 1 or 2#s and copying and pasting a line of code.

Exactly, so this should be easy to mod. They should I don’t know have improved from the 3.3.5a client.

You absolutely use binary in coding. Not all of it because most of it is under a fancy engine. Literally using it right now…

Why are people with less funding able to create an easy to mod client. I don’t want to play pservers, but they still hold up for my argument. They are proof the game is easy to adapt and change.

You have no argument. Blizzard said it was an issue and that it would be changed. It is easy that is a fact, just because you are unfamiliar with game design doesn’t make it hard.

hate nax, im glad i dont have to set a foot there ever again

hmmm read what you wrote, my guy.
you are saying we dont get it and yet you are speaking in our behalf of what we want or not.
poor contradiction, a lot of us here love this changes

just because we are playing an old version of a game doesnt mean it cant be changed for the better, or healthier, or faster, or more fun.
as the other guy said, it requires effort


Hate to burst your bubble, but OG WotLK was retail before retail was retail. Giving emblems(Justice/Valor) in dungeons to buy Naxx level gear, dungeon dailies giving currency to buy current raid quality gear. With that having been the only real reliable progression for alts and new players since most groups wanted you to already have the gear to even get invited. Not to mention the right spec. Loot-ship became a meme for a reason.

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Catchup was always a thing, TBC had badges and Vanilla had dungeon sets coming later.
But H+ catchup is way stronger still as you can make a complete gear set really fast.
Wotlk had enough catchup from the start. If their goal was for it to be faster they could have used wotlk content without making H+ the only content for it.

It’s suprisingly not the only content for it. It helps, but they did make 10M raids drop 25M loot, and every boss in every previous raid drops the second to best currency.

Only for T7. They never buffed Ulduar, which they definitly should have done. Buffing Valanyr shards is a joke if anything.

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Only HM loot is the same. Mimiron for example drops Pandora’s Plea, 232 trinket, no matter which version you kill.

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