Turning WOTLK into retail

They didn’t buff loot quantity for 25m which they did for T7
And yes 10m loot not dropping 25m loot for hm is still a big “nerf”.

it takes around 150 dungeons to get a pre raid bis set
doesnt seem fast to me

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Still faster than doing Algalon each week for 6 months and never seeing dark matter. For a non-rng system essences are still way powerful in a setting like wotlk. Hell, I am sure some people would like the same system for retail even if retail gearing is way faster.

Unless you are willing to go work there then dont talk about ease. This is also supposed to be Wrath, not what you want Wrath to be.

Your argument is bad, glad you see it too.

So no emblems of frost and they are going to a 2 tiered currency system in Wrath?

No its not lol.

Thats why they were even having trouble getting these old games to work?

So python is binary and C++ is binary? Even flash coding isnt binary.

They arent Blizzard.

Sounds like you do since you dont like what wrath is and want to change it for a non issue.

and why is it bad
they are just trading rng for grind in a dated item piece

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And that whole point is why it’s way stronger and faster. As you could never get an item if it only drops with rng.

again, why is it bad

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Because dungeon content shouldn’t replace raid content. So raid content should have their reward buffed if dungeons get buffed too. That’s the bare minimum. Essences should have been dropping from Ulduar. 25m Ulduar should be dropping 50% more loot to compensate dungeons offering better rewards. (and 10m Ulduar dropping 25m loot)

no? why?

wouldnt be a bad idea either

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Because doing the same dungeons 150 times like you said is not a great experience. People should want to do different content and older raids shouldn’t become obsolete because blizzard wants you to spam more dungeons.

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should they? why? it looks like your opinion, i dont agree with it as much as i respect it.

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Yes it’s an opinion. But I don’t think much people will agree that Wotlk dungeons offer better content its raids. Sure ICC dungeons are decent. But wotlk isn’t known for its strong dungeon content. TBC had better dungeons.

This is what I’ve been trying to say to other people.

Personally I think they should create dungeon gear that is a sidegrade people would do both dungeons/raids to min/max the new stats. Since it’s always catchup gear it would never effect player power in the current raid and it wouldn’t devalue the raid gear. This would still cause a small uproar, but I think most people are mad that they put in time to get X item and now everyone has it. With RNG being the way it is people think it’s silly but putting in 40hrs to watch someone get it in 1hr by doing dungeons frustrates some. My guild hasn’t seen a single Death’s Choice, 13wks in.

being able to split your farm into your schedule is cool too.
for me works perfectly, its gotten rly hard to fit 3h of straight raiding in my schedule in this moment in my life and having the opportunity to get that gear spliting the work into my schedule was perfect

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that could also be a good idea too. H++ is not the only solution possible, both of you presented solid ideas.

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Raiding will always be that tho. So if you’re done after doing dungeons content then it’s fine that you quit till more dungeons content get out. Asking for more gear to come from dungeons doesn’t solve your issue if time is always gonna be an issue.

im more into pvp tbh
i also love raiding, wish i had more time

I might try to play solo rbgs on retail when they get out btw. That looks pretty fun.

was unaware it was a thing
sounds fun

They, dont unless its old raids. Regular heroic gear from dungeons were never better than or a replacement for raid gear. That said you need a reasonable way to catch up which is where emblems came in.