Turning WOTLK into retail

I never said it was a gotcha, I said it was an impact of a two currency system, which you either care about or don’t.

And yes H+ already made that shift, away from how it was in Wrath originally, which will be further exacerbated by them being in RDF.

Na. I actually play it more than I do Classic. I liked original WoTLK, but hate this warped version of it. Hey wanna get glad original Wrath? just form an arena team, work really hard and place in the top %s of your battlegroup. Wanna do it now in Classic? Sure just get to just over 3,800 on some servers with R1 being at 4k. What’s there in calling that “Classic”?

I want it to come back as I remember it with ZERO changes. Not a prelaunch event that had the first phase end early because YOU people all complained about dying in it.

I know, I’d have to scroll up and reread, but I think he’s the same person telling me PVP seasons don’t come with new gear, but I am really confused who’s side he is on.


Arena seasons can end mid tier, I don’t care enough to check whether they’ve ever started one mid tier without releasing new gear. I could swear they have sometimes in retail but /shrug

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current wotlk is not retail nor it’s classic, consider it an “altered version of re-release”
which can be fun since somethings like alpha/beta/gamma makes your gameplay feels fresh to what you’re used to do.

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The impact is legit no different than letting old currency rot.
A two currency system reduces that.

Why is funneling people to endgame, in an endgame focused expansion a bad thing? you keep handwaving at some ephemeral concept but not explaining why it’s bad. It changes nothing except how many currencies exist in game.

The contrarian side every time.

Excuse me what? Did you just wanna throw a random attack in there just because?

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And here we thought they were raiding because it was fun. turns out its just for the gear. They should have every type of content drop the same gear, that way they wouldnt have to do anything they didnt find fun.

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Old currency doesn’t rot though, you use it for the same thing you would have used it for. And you move on to content that drops the newer currency.

It’s simply a different design philosophy. You’re saying old currency having limited use is bad but in a two currency system old content has limited use because it becomes skippable.

It literally changes what content is relevant and by how much so no it’s a lot more than just how many currencies exist.

It’s already skippable.
This already is how the game is played with 6 going on 7 currencies.
The progression path already does not require P1 to be ran to progress.
Scaling down to a two emblem system doesn’t change what is already the defacto path for most people.

What current phase gear are you using Heroism badges for? or for that matter Valor?
Currently I have about 30ish Heroism rotting away because it has no use anymore.

It really doesn’t. No more then the current system already in place does.

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One of wow’s oddest things.

No one actually runs raid for the actual enjoyment of it. If no gear they’d not be there at all.

the truly odd thing is there is an exception. SOme like me ran LFR jsut to see how ugly it get. Its a comedy that can be fun times really.

I didn’t need Ner’hul in SL LFR for a damned thing. I ran it voluntarily for the lols. I liked watching 10+ rdps get yeeted off the platform. When I needed a laugh, I saw ner’zhul.

Except that it does, keep in mind we’re not talking about a character who has been playing since launch and is always in current tier. In your two tier system they don’t have anymore use for the bad currency than they do hero badges now so it changes nothing for them.

We’re talking about characters hitting 80 and starting the process later in the expansion. And a two tier currency system 100% changes how they would approach content. In your system they hit 80 and literally just spam regular heroics for a ton of much better gear than they would have gotten for doing so. Which of course changes how they’re going to approach content vs how they would otherwise.

They do this now, you can not get heroism/valor other than a few select quests and I’m not sure if you get enough for an item or not. Haven’t done them on any of my alts. The design is already in the game. A brand new 80 is doing heroics and getting badges of conquest (ulduar badges). Are you not aware of that?

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Yes which is why I specifically mentioned wrath originally not wrath classic. And yes it very much feeds into exactly what I’m saying, with RDF and H+ in it next phase naxx will be dead and ulduar will pretty much be too.

In the current system this is what already happens. This is the progression path.

Reducing currency does not at all change the progression path. Older content drops the older content badge in my theoretical system.
except instead of 5 currencies to track and grind you have two.
The path is unaffected.

You also still have not answered why a more direct path to endgame is a bad thing. Yet you keep pushing that people should be required to run old content starting from P1 till current when that has not been the case for a hot minute.

There is no reason for a new 80 to even worry about grinding heroism badges, and almost no reason to worry about grinding out Valor either. Reducing the badges needed reduces the unnecessary grind and allows better access into content being run currently.

Okay so you haven’t been paying any attention to the scope of the discussion at all and aren’t even bothering to read context of how the game is currently played.

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/shrug I’m using the current situation to demonstrate my point. Which you seem to not be understanding.

I’m also pointing out the irony that we have the problems of a two tier system, devaluing old content and that progression path, but haven’t actually reduced the currency bloat.

You aren’t.

Nothing is devalued by reducing the number of currencies, nothing changes except the amount of currencies in the game. The progression path does not change.

Again, why is a streamlined currency process designed to get people into endgame a bad thing?

Are you though?

/shrug it’s really not hard to understand why increasing the rewards from one form of content, decreases the relative value of other forms of content that now are in fact less rewarding.

And following onto that why people then stop doing that content, so literally changing the progression path.

So you have no reason why it’s a bad thing. Gotcha.

I guess you need to know what the actual progression path is before you can claim something will affect it, clearly you do not.

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We do know what the progression path in wrath classic is vs what it was originally, which proves my point :slight_smile:

And is only going to get worse with RDF and H+ in it.

So once again we have the negatives of a bloated currency system and a 2 currency system with none of the benefits of either. Typical bad design from the classic team.

You should wait to quit until they do the same to cata… cata 5 mans we’re fun and more technical and caused a lot of wipes in 5 mans