Turning WOTLK into retail

Been trying to find that because I knew it existed.

“BlOaT iSn’T a IsSuE” lmao


Would you like some currencies with your currencies? With a side of currencies? And topped with some currencies?

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You gotta edit your post and ask about it being filled with currencies at the end. 5 emblems in wrath you only got 4 currencies in your post :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes and I would like for those currencies to be tied to reputation gains and provide only upgrades to gear that require more currencies to upgrade than they are worth, provided that the item takes the currency you have access to and not an entirely different currency.

Oh and if you could give every reputation faction their own currency that would be great, thanks!

and a large Dr Pepper…

Its not. How many emblems of heroism do you have? I have 0, something I dont have to worry about at all. How about valor? Mine is 0, again something I dont have to worry about at all. Conquest and Triumph are a different matter. Next patch its going to just be Frost and Triumph.

So what bloat? Are you opening your bags and are filled up with must emblems of heroism, your bank is 50% emblems of valor and you are running out of space for your emblems of triumph or something? Or how about from the previous expansion, are those confusing you?

Its literally just 5 currencies… whats the issue? This went from them trying to shove H+ into the game and turning it into retail and you guys are whining about currencies. Thats some OCD stuff right there.

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I would agree. WoTLK didn’t have a currently bloat; however, SL and DF had all kinds of stupid currencies so much so it was all kinds of stupid piled on top of more stupid. It was just a sloth of nonsense they created.

You realize they didn’t actually remove the bloat since all the currencies are still there.

Ironically they’ve also added more currencies, we now have sidereals and there’s a new one in the next phase as well. So blizzard somehow managed to create a worse situation than ever existed in wrath originally.

Of course this is totally in line with how badly all their changes have been so far.

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Legit not the scope of the discussion the Priest and I were having, bloat as a whole has grown as an issue in general. Considering the tone of your posts I’d rather not interact with you past this comment.

Heroism is only available via quests now. Valor stepping down into 10man effectively replaced the currency, yes you can still trade them down to heroism, but you can also trade the now defunct BG marks in for honor. Both currencies are no longer necessary. I understand the nuance between heroism having a very limited availability and Marks of Honor being entirely done away with.
Wrath was the beginning of the bloat, it subsided a bit as they played with Valor in Cata and eventually grew into the massive bloat retail has now. It’s a clearly traceable design path.

Reducing the badges to two types would be easier to deal with and more efficient. One for current tier and one that encompasses previous tier. Prices wouldn’t need to change even.

they are also adding scourgestone things in the ICC phase as well. When Sidereals could have been adapted to fit that purpose.

Right 3 badges drop still so there’s no much change there. They added sidereals this phase so we’re back to 4. Next phase they’re adding yet another new currency so we’ll be back to 5. And we’ll still have like 7 currency vendors since they didn’t actually change the prices of the older items to reflect them no longer dropping so we have to deal with converting down.

But sure tell me all about this awesome 2 currency system we have in wrath classic?

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I mean you can be intentionally obtuse if you want but you know I never claimed there was a two currency system. I suggested one. You can make underhanded statements or we can have a discussion, your choice.

There is already bloat added in wrath classic, the sidereals and the new scourethings. I’m not arguing a slippery slope here, there is just no reason to keep effectively “dead” currency in a game when it could be streamlined. Especially when they have shown a willingness to roll badges down a raid level already.

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But you must grind!

the old currency must stay…but not be used. Remember this game got retail trained devs.

they like new currencies, that must rot in time. Some like me have asked in retail for an option to blank this crap out per expac. Hell even per x.1, x.2, x.3 patches.

No one is using that x.1 currency any more beyond hard core t-moggers by x.3. Lets us wipe it to clean up the currency tab.

Its doesn’t even need to be converted to something good.
Right click, delete.
Would you like to delete 1234 units of useless currency?

Optional feature so the t-moggoers can collect up old appearances if desired.

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And that’s fine then we can go back to discussing the issues with a true two currency system which is that it’s designed to enable skipping old content and funnel people into current tier asap.

You know retail design, at which point why not just add those items to daily quests.

Yeah that’s not at all what I am getting at but thanks.

What is “retail design”? Often it comes down to “things I dislike” so this is a nonstarter.

Two emblem system legit changes nothing except the number of currencies to obtain. You can pretend there are people who are going from heroism to triumph and not already skipping steps that are no longer required to advance, but it doesn’t make it true.
Wrath is an endgame based expansion when compared to Era and TBC. The design is already to funnel people to endgame, I fail to see the issue here.

“why not make everything free” is not a real or strong argument. It’s dismissive.

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I like how we’ve turned into radicalists, off of me responding to Kelliste asking if I knew how the emblem system worked. Just because the game isn’t on fire doesn’t mean this isn’t an issue and that’s what I find funny.

I’m not saying this currency bloat is game breaking, but it is bad game design and would take 30mins to fix. They’d have to change all the item ids on the vendors. Am I going to quit wow? no. Do I think they could focus on something else? sure, but an issue exists and I made a comment about it. I could care less if it’s fixed, but it should be if they care about their game they should care that it looks lazy. They’ve even said it was an issue and would be fixed in the post I linked. Personally if they wanted to contract me out for an hour I’d do it. I’ve helped a content creator setup a private server making this modification I’m suggesting really only takes 30mins tops and that’s because I’m not experienced with it. A developer familiar with the engine and databases with their budget this would be something they could automate and probably take 5mins.

That’s why I point out the issue because it’s laziness.

TLDR: My whole point was they should rework the emblem system instead of adding new currencies.

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It’s entirely them wanting the last word and making underhanded statements to attempt a gotcha moment.

Neither actually cares or reads beyond seeing something they disagree with.

That and a strange fixation on bespoke currency. While its fun and thematic to have named currencies for each phase, it is also unnecessary.

which is massive irony to hear there is no bloat and then watch two entirely new currencies be added.

But instead I am told that there is no two currency system in wrath, lack of understanding what a suggestion or hypothetical is.

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Wow tokens.
No battlegroups
No arena teams
Server transfers up 100% of the time instead of limited as before

Sounds like retail to me. I’ve been playing Wrath of the Glitched King… my shammy bars keep disappearing. You type /reload and they sometimes will all come back screwed up with abilities from your spell book on them that aren’t even totems.

What do they do every Tuesday for “server maintenance” when they still haven’t even fixed that issue.

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Only having two currencies makes older content more valuable each time new things become available since you can, wait for it, buy better gear than you could for doing that same content.

This promotes spamming the easiest possible content then jumping right into the current tier while skipping most of the older stuff.

Good for you. “Retail” has no meaning anymore besides a way to say “Anything I dislike isn’t classic” which is nebulous and largely irrelevant to most discussions.

Which is already being done, what is your point?

This isn’t the gotcha you think it is.

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How? If currency is constantly cycled down you wouldn’t be able to store badges. Gear always loses value with the next tier and defilers scourgestones are 10x more impactful to gear value then emblems. (devalues every 25man normal piece instead of select slots available on the emblem vendor)

Your argument is reducing the currencies is bad right? Because half the time I can’t tell if your supporting the removal or keeping the currencies.

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His argument is being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.

Brings up how awful it would be to funnel people to endgame, despite that being a pretty clear goal of Wrath both OG and Classic. Then brings up how they added two currencies.

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