Turning WOTLK into retail

The gear being “handed out” is mostly obsolete compared to what drops in the newest raid.

That said, go play hardcore instead if it suits you. Don’t come back after you die in your first MC raid and lose everything.

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Apparently you aren’t well aware. You could get a full 232 set in a week just doing random heroics with rdf.

Why is it always people who don’t know how it worked back then that are against rdf?

Tiers include the release of new content, which drops the new gear. Seasons are just when they roll over arena and restart it, they can but don’t always include the release of new gear.

And I fully understand your point about it being more streamlined and efficient to have to forms of currency. The difference is that pvp only has two tiers, always, BG’s and then arenas where they just periodically up the gear you get from each.

PvE obviously does not work that way as there are always new tiers coming out but the old content and therefore old gear stays the same. A single currency dropped from all non current tier content means that progressively you skip more and more of that old content.

This is the model retail uses for PvE, IE funneling you into the current tier ASAP, which is why I brought up dailies since they are part of that system. Now you can argue whether that’s better or not but it is not how gearing worked in Wrath originally.

Titan Runes suck, but they are barely even tangentially related to retail’s mythic dungeons

It’s only the previous phases, mostly relegated to 10m, gear that drops in those dungeons. It’s not like retail where it’s equivalent to the current raid ilvl.

Walk away from your PC, take a break, and enjoy some fresh air. You’re ranting over nothing…

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What PVP season hasn’t had new gear? As far as I’m aware once BC started that is what they’ve done every season at least until MoP not sure what they do in current Retail. PVP seasons are exactly the same as PVE tiers. The only thing different is PVP seasons don’t come with new content.

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Wrath, like TBC, was always retail. Flying mounts, Ally Shaman/Horde Pallys, and gamestore purchases (hello Token!) are proof.

is anathema to Classic

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Without Titan Rune dungeons, it would probably be pretty hard to find a group for dungeons at this point in the expansion. Remember how hard it was to find a TBC dungeon group by the time we got to BT/Sunwell?


If it wasn’t the daily or MgT you weren’t doing it lol


I never said I’m against RDF. I would have preferred it rather than having to quest to level or solo boost my alts with a tank.

There is.


Are they supposed to continuously convert emblems to that of the lower emblems so you cant just stockpile a bunch of them for the next phase and buy all the items you want day 1?


It does that on its own.

They arent removed.

What have heroism and valor and then constantly have to downgrade valor every new patch? Having a new emblem is much easier and its not like your bags are filled with currency or anything. Its also not like you only have 1 heroism sitting around with nothing you can do with it. You can… you know… downgrade them and spend them.

No it hasnt been.


Other than questing, where do these drop now? They were largely removed from content outside of the handful of quests that give them as rewards.

Or the system can be normalized with less currency that quickly becomes obsolete without the need for downranking the badges, which is still broken for me and others at the trader. Rotating rewards through currency instead of the other way around is a better process.

I believe you believe this.


They arent dropped, but they arent removed either.

How? Every new tier will force whatever the top currency is to be converted to the lower one which they do later on. Its not in Wrath though so dont worry about it.

I know it hasnt. In fact this is the first time I have even seen any complaints about emblems because most people dont even know what its for or that its even there.

At this point it’s clear most people here didn’t play original Wrath. They think you were still doing Utgarde in 3.3 for loot drops.

It was all about Emblems. Except the ICC heroics, which dropped 232.

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Thank you for a useless response.

Another response that has no purpose.

Finally something to add to a discussion instead of just breaking down each of my sentences and verifying they were true. Yes I would like them to do the exact same thing they do with arena/honor to emblems. Why do we have 5 emblems when we only ever use 2?

Why have currencies in the game that add bloat? Why not simply it?

Currency bloat is a thing all the way up to shadowlands. I have no idea about Dragonflight, because I haven’t played it, but Blizzard has even addressed it multiple times over the years. It’s a common complaint that currency bloat is a WoW thing. It’s not prevalent in other games and it’s silly and wasteful and lazy.

Since half your responses are just reposting what I’ve said, I’m just going to ignore you here because you aren’t adding anything to the discussion just reposting things and saying so? and? what? who? where? Obviously you have a lot of questions and I don’t have the time nor energy to educate you.


The only time that you would need them is when you just got to 80. Other than that you just disenchanted everything basically.

It wasnt useless, there are 4 pvp seasons.

No it has a purpose. Its asking what your point is because Honor and Arena points are different than emblems. Arena points, from what I remember and I dont care about the bot fest that it is now, get converted to honor every season.

What is your problem? There are 4 pvp seasons and so what if pvp has 2 currencies?

Gotta wait until a later expansion.

Why is this a problem exactly? Are they taking up space or something or do you just have to complain about something that ultimately doesnt affect anything at all. Easy answer, its less work.

You are just complaining to complain. If you dont like Wrath then dont play it and stop messing it up for the rest of us that wanted to play Wrath.

No its not.

In how you describe currency bloat, it still exists. Its also a part of immersion and story telling. Do you think an isolated island would use the same currency as Stormwind? No they wouldnt.

Its really not.

I mean… it is. GW2 has several of them. Each dunegon had its own, then you had other zones having its own currency like a special berry, or a special wood, or blood stones ect.

Quotes arent reposts.

If you cant answer these simple questions by all means ignore me. You arent going to hurt my feelings. Especially since your complaint is a just whining for the sake of it.

Because thats how shallow your complaint is. There is no depth to it, it doesnt affect anything.

it’s a nightmare trying to read these last few posts lol

TLDR I don’t like extra currencies and that other guy wants to know why.

It’s actually so much worse in DF than it was in SL. You have currencies to make more currencies. Of course that will change in the next patch when they add more currencies.

FF14 handles currencies way better as an example.


Took me awhile to find it, but this is a legit blizzard post saying they planned to remove currency bloat in Wrath by going to two emblems only. Blizzard acknowledged the bloat prior to wrath release. This is really the only reason I even brought it up in the first place because I knew Blizzard said it was something they were going to fix.