Turning WOTLK into retail

You sound like the 1 % of people that are for no changes. I would rather them keep updating and making changes to classic. Reality is its not same game it was 15 years ago. We all know how the game works its not a new game anymore. More quaility of life changes need to be made so people are not sitting in city sapmming through chat and waiting to manually assemble groups to do content and gear up or arena. Poeple just wanna raid and pvp. Whos ROLE PLAYING? seriously more changes need to be made


The only KEY difference between M+ and H+ is that M+ is end game progression and H+ is catch up gear 33ilvl behind lol. And during ICC, with Gamma awarding 232, it puts at 45 ilvl difference with 277s.

Not even remotely close.

And no, they didn’t ruin Wrath by adding in minor alt gear catch up.
It’s players that ruined Wrath.

If you remember, which you probably have ignored, the lack of dungeon participation was at the abyssal level during later phases of TBCC. Even mid of P1 actually.

Classic was never meant to be some sort of other game. It will become retail. That’s the whole point. Luckily for you, you can quit at any time.

What classic can do is address some pain points and bring forth already known-to-be-good QoL changes into the game earlier. Such as collections. But Classic is not to spin in some other direction like some sort of franchise.


Well, I like/d the token; like LFD/R, TMOG, and all sorts of other additions.

What makes the expansion is the game play and talent system.

You can go ahead and add LFR right now to classic and classic will still be classic.

Point is, your (in general) point of view isn’t the only valid way to interpret this game.

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Yes? How does that have any relevance to what I said. The emblem system has and always will be underutilized and to this day I’ll never understand why we have 4 different emblems. Instead of the idea I provided a more through fleshed out emblem system would be nicer than H+++ in my opinion.

226 ilvl drops when current content is 245/258 is catch-up gear. Sidereals are the only the exception and even that is catch up since it’s the lower difficulty of the previous raid

I think any reasonable person would disagree that 200 ilvl gear is relevant when current content is at 245/258.

Well looks like they’re solving this problem too with LFD :eyes:


In Wrath it wasnt.

because there are 4 different raid tiers.

226 is lower than what you can get from emblems, its not catch up gear.

Riiiiight, because people cant get 232 from regular heroics or anything.

No they really arent, because there is still going to be an ilvl threshold to enter these dungeons through RDF.

By that logic their are four pvp seasons, but only two currencies. Just because their is four raid tiers doesn’t mean we need currency bloat. You can’t even obtain Valor unless you exchange it and it’s kind of funny that you can still get heroism generically, but only if you haven’t finished the quests that give it.

Agreed, they could easily reduce down the currencies and streamline the process as other games have been doing.

Each tier doesn’t need it’s own bespoke currency, we could easily have two badge tiers that rotate/scale based on releases. Just rotate down as tiers are released. Obviously with some nuance involved.

Currency bloat is something Blizzard is amazing at doing despite their claims of trying to reduce it.

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RDF and Heroic dungeons did the job better in original Wrath.

This is what happens when people who didn’t play Wrath read a Blizzard post about “We’re adding these Mythic dungeons to help you gear your alts better and faster!!!”
and don’t realize Blizz removed a system that did the job better, was actual authentic Wrath, was more accessible and more convenient.

Yes it only applied after the ICC raid was added, but it could just as easily have worked with earlier tiers. Blizz just needed to remove a few dungeons from the list. That’s it.

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But pvp only has two tiers, BG’s and Arena, seasons are not tiers.

Well that depends on what the intention is, if the goal is just funnel everyone into the current tier ASAP and skip as much lower level content as possible yes.

But that’s not how wrath was designed, and it’s one of the objections a lot of people have with retail. I mean why not just make dailies randomly drop current raid level gear?

The idea is to reduce the currency needed in the game. removing heroism badges was a start, could reduce further to streamline the badge system.

Currency bloat has been a consistent complaint about the game for a long while.

Legit irrelevant. Reductionist statements do not encourage decent discussion.
“why buy anything if NEW THING replaces it?”

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I’m aware they were in Wrath. If you think RDF and Heroic dungeons giving you 200 item level gear is enough past Phase 1 then idk what to tell you

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M+ is not content and never should of became a thing. It definitely contributed to Retails downfall. They really don’t understand what makes a game great unfortunately.


Wanting Wrath classic to actually be like Wrath is anathema on the forums.

I don’t disagree that people have complained about multiple currencies either. I’m pointing out that the effect of reducing them(which they actually did do in wrath classic in terms of what drops) means you can skip more content by getting badges from what was lower level content.

If only there was some way to get gear once you had finished gearing in heroics
 oh right then you moved on to raids.

Honestly really confused by this response. Tiers/Seasons are treated identically when it comes to gear, but the currencies are treated differently for no reason other than bloat.

Last season arena gear gets funneled down to honor.
Last tier badges become no longer obtainable, but yet they keep them in the game via the currency exchange.

Deunan statement is literally saying they should just streamline the currencies which wouldn’t change the speed at which you could acquire any gear, but you respond with raid gear dropping on dailies?

Incase you are confused what our statements were about it was the idea of removing currency to remove bloat, You don’t have to change any gear pricing because currently two emblems tiers aren’t even obtainable.


Its the best content they ever added.


You don’t seriously think more people play Classic than retail, right?