Turning WOTLK into retail

We have numbers for raiding and pvp and for traffic. Look wow ain’t looking great but it will survive.

That’s just garbage. Recognize that some ways to get gear are harder than others. Wotlk dungeons outside of ICC ones are a complete joke.

Nah only wrath reforged.

I give up after Wrath for sure, you can enjoy the clownfiesta that Cata will be.

I don’t buy it that most people will gear by doing naxx or even Ulduar when H+ is a thing. Not because there might be a group or 2 time to time that it’s relevant.

I haven’t asked for anything ? I’m not complaining about anything added at all. I’m simply pointing out that it’s ridiculous to complain they are adding features for other people to enjoy. Your chief complaint is what exactly ? You didn’t play like that in 2008? Well things change.


100%, I’m just saying if they did post nerf Ulduar like OG classic alongside the dungeons more people would be raiding Ulduar. I thinking adding this system by removing an OG is bad.

You are asking for the system to not change? Is that not what you want is for it to stay the same?

I couldn’t care less if something changes. I’m not driven by nostalgia. I like the way the game plays character mechanics and designs. If they added a bunch of new content with the same class design that’d be cool by me. And if they didn’t that’d be cool too.


Wrath is the beginning of retail. People proclaim it is something else but it’s retail

Never denied, this is you making up my own stance.
They are symbiotic with raiding.
They both require work.
One is more efficient and that is the one that takes more “effort”. I guess staying awake during a naxx 10/25 is the extra effort you claim.

as is most of what you have posted when you could easily have just said “not a fan of this system” instead of spreading your apparent bitterness.

You gave up on this discussion the moment you cried about handouts.

head in sand. Doing the raids is still more efficient than doing the alpha/beta heroics. What you do and do not buy is irrelevant.

Define retail, or, list the similarities between dragonflight and wrath. “retail” has no meaning. All of WoW is or once was retail.

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I totally agree with this. I think the reason they didn’t was because they didn’t want to trivialize the content for people who were still in prog but honestly I don’t feel like people who were still progging Ulduar 30 weeks later really cared.

I generally agree with having both because it allows you to do whichever content is more satisfying to you, and the raid option is still technically faster and with better gear in 25m. But it does go against the OP here because having more options to catch up is in the spirit of current retail, not original wrath or the expansions before it

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So one is harder than the other.
One can be considered an handout if we don’t want to use any polite words for it.
As saying “handout” is too much shocking for many.

Bitter is one of my better state when talking with people that can’t use logic.

Or that can’t use their head at all.

Or actually are just totally lost and won’t even answer my arguments because they can’t.

Making a dungeon group is way easier than making a raid group. Dungeon loot also reset daily. Dungeon loot also guarantees you with essence to be able to get items. It is not comparable to raiding in anyway.

You could do 20 weeks of Algalon 10m and never get dark matter, which is what most people experienced.

True, the prog argument they used was always odd to me. Half the pulls on Algalon are still wipes even with Trial gear. He’s sitting at 51% Kill rate. Also I can’t speak for op, but I think a lot of the people that are frustrated with the new system don’t really know how to express what they are frustrated about. I think with my system of adding new dungeon gear they wouldn’t notice/care nearly as much because it would be different even if the ilvls were the same.

This is a good way to put it. Retail is different for everyone and I hate how people use it interchangeably. For example, for me Mists is the start of retail and legion is when classic was erased and retail cemented imo.


Cool, so you have nothing beside vitriol and insults to defend your stances.

we’re done here. Be better.

It’s a really annoying fall back for people to use. It really is “anything I dislike is retail”. There for sure are new, probably unneeded, systems in Wrath Classic but the game is still very far away from the current retail design. It’s a lot of pearl clutching for sure, but I also know that certain things can be annoying for some.
MoP is probably where the game changed the most for me mechanically and design wise as well. Mainly the talents and the on-rails questing being the norm from that point onward.


When it’s you? This is me being better.
Have a nice day and stop polluting the space.

Oh! I thought you meant that you don’t believe people are still running the content. It seems like some people definitely do gear from older content though, as I’ve typically made relatively decent gold from tanking P1 raid clear GDKPs, esp. if Illust drops.

I got a priest to 80 at the beginning of this phase, and just hopped into ToGC 25m Normal, and did H++, as you suggest, but I don’t know how common my path was. I found it incredibly easy to gear up after using my honor cap on deadly gear.


It’s way more easy to just skip by doing honor and H+, I don’t think many people go the other way.

Wotlk already had a decent amount of catchup. I personally can only see them adding more as something greedy to push engagement.

same here, leveled a mage to 80 recently and was able to get most of a full set of PVP gear just from randomly doing BG’s on my way to 80. Gave a good push for getting into the Naxx runs on my realm and was able to be cheeky and get into some Uld10’s too.


The metasheep are driving the changes, for the most part.

However, Mythic dungeons were a nice addition to retail. It’s also a nice change for WotLK. At the end of the day, Retail is still successful because of what Blizzard did to improve the QoL for all players while providing more challenging content for those who seek it out.

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As long as you keep your subscription up, they couldn’t care less what you think or how you feel.

The new Gamma dungeons drop 232 gear (10m normal ToC) and turning in large numbers of the new currency that drops from bosses awards 245 (25m normal ToC) gear. The dungeons are harder than the normal mode version of these raids and take longer to complete. Did you know that in original WoTLK in the same patch you could buy 264 items with badges you earned from 5m dungeons?

Wow. I’m sorry your very prestigious previous tier normal mode raid gear will be devalued and no one will look at your normal mode raid gear in awe.


No they didnt.

Its not catch up content.

It doesnt though when there are GS requirements that are so far above what a new player would have.

It was already relevant and didnt need these extra difficulties.

Welcome to the Wrath Classic forums. These dungeons are actually more mandatory to raiders than they are for new players. New players arent going into these dungeons and are instead going into regular heroics unless people are carrying them.

Do people not know that emblem vendors exist?

Not actually optional. When they give more emblems per week than a full clear of the raid then something is wrong.

Thank you for the needless reply as I asked a rhetorical and then answered it.

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