Turning WOTLK into retail

What are you on about gatekeeping where? I said they should introduce new gear specific to dungeons that is catch up gear. I’m not against catch up gear. I’m against it being raid gear. How much of my post did you read?

Something something greed has probably been their biggest problem. :person_shrugging:

This doesn’t make sense to me… I feel like more people can do trial as a result. I have alts that I run in ToGC pugs that I wouldn’t even bothered to have geared if it would have required me to slog through Naxx and Ulduar for as long as I did on my main. The only reason there are so many alt pugs at the gearscore you want them to be is because of titan rune dungeons


They need to introduce an entire new set of gear so you are happy. If that is not gatekeeping I dont know what is lol

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They won’t be running 10man once they can get 25man loot in dungeons. Just like the number of 10man Ulduar pugs dropped with sidereal. Trial wouldn’t have killed off Ulduar with the buffed item levels if they didn’t introduce that system.

There’s nothing wrong with gatekeeping. You should have to do the content to get its rewards. And people should have the right to decide who they group with. Only bad players blame gatekeeping.

Does no one read. I want to raid more. I want them to give you gear.

Yeaaaaa make whole new sets that weren’t in original wrath for dungeon difficulties that weren’t in original wrath and watch mental breakdowns commence. It is outdated raid gear who cares if people have another path of gearing? Like for real though? Do you get mad when you see a wheel chair ramp? Like no the top of the stairs is for people who walk only. Get over yourself.


Dude I wish you logged in and they gave you a free set of 258ilvls, so that you could get to 80 and fill raids so I can raid more.

It’s only outdated because you make it so.

Nah the new raid will do that. Not me. Which non raiders will not touch your precious gears and you will be the shiniest lords in the land.

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It won’t if you still make the last raid have good items. Same reason why so many groups still ran Ulduar this patch.

It’s not because there’s a new raid that the old ones have to be outdated or irrelevant.


I don’t care about gear I pass a lot. Hence no val. It has nothing to do with gear. If dungeons gave different gear people would have incentives to run both.

Nothing to do with gear and everything to do with only being your way? Go forth and create your very own game. Let me know when it’s done. I’ll check it out !


So people should have the option to buy the best gear in the shop. If they can’t then that’s you wanting it to have it only your way.

It’s a pointless argument. If you think having an alternative play style is the same as just swiping your card, idk what to tell you.


But you want it your way? I’m not asking for it to be my way, I’m providing feedback and discussion in a forum. I think the system is bad and should be changed, what the correct system is I don’t know, but at least I’m here providing alternatives instead of telling people your wrong and talking about going and touching grass? like what

That’s what GDKPs told us anyway. Are you saying that swiping is not a playstyle that should be relevant? So that people playing that way shouldn’t? xd It all boils down to this, you can’t argue that all choices are fine if you think some are not.

Sure, its easier for your world view to just call me a liar.

I believe that you believe this.

Unrelated to the discussion.

No, I dislike this argument because it is massively disingenuous to the reality of the catch up system and dismissive. It’s not what’s happening in reality and you consistently fall back on “just hand it out” because you have nothing else to bring up beside vague handwaving and nebulous issues.

Cool, more falling back on reductionist takes and bad faith statements.

Doubt, but it does fit your increasingly negative views on Wrath.

So is this where you give up? That’s what it sounds like.

I’ll enjoy the game as I and quite a few others have been, clearly you are not and should consider stepping away.

Once again, just because you dislike something personally does not make it an empirically bad thing.


Really? What server do you play on? There are always people running P1 content on Whitemane.

People will probably do ToGC 10 man way more than we do Uld 10, because Uld is tedious, esp. trying to pug, where you wipe, people dip, and it takes a LONG time. And, it’s only really worth doing either for HM loot or if you need loot, which makes doing HMs difficult.