Turning WOTLK into retail

WAHHHHHHHH, I cant gatekeep!


Most players care about min/maxing in some form because being able to play at a decent level and not being a “scrub” is more fun.

That’s why they removed grinds in DF like artifact power because having more “options” just to promote engagement in garbage content is not a great solution for most people.

So dont run them then? If you’re playing the game at all they are completely optional so what is the issue?


I wasn’t intending on playing Wrath Classic originally, but after they announced that they would not be adding Dungeon Finder, I decided to give it a try and surprisingly enjoyed it a lot more than I was expecting.

Now that they have said they will be bringing Dungeon Finder and various other changes (like shared mounts), I’ve started playing Retail for PvP (Arenas), and I can log into HC Classic if I feel like enjoying a leveling experience. Where does this leave Wrath?

For me, I suppose the only really compelling reason to login and play Wrath now is GDKPs and using gold from them to buy tokens from the AH. That’s fine, I suppose, but it’s not what I was expecting to have as a takeaway from the Wrath Classic experience.

The issue the less people raiding then would be if they didn’t add these. There will be no point in running trial 10 after ICC launch with this gearing system and hold onto your hat here real hot take coming, but I like raiding for fun, so less raids in trade chat means less fun to be had on my alts.

It’s always amazing the people whine about optional content that offers you zero upgrades if you are playing the game.

Example, going into the next phase I will have one upgrade if I dont get a reign. So if I want to min/max its like two days of grinding? Other then that there wont be a reason to do them besides badges, which will also quickly not be needed.

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Raiding old content that most people dont want to keep doing.

And why don’t they want to do it because blizzard put better gear in other places.

Its not better though. If you cant be bothered to even understand how it works why are you crying about it?

25man loot is not better than 10man loot? Man I think I’m playing the wrong game.

The 5 man dont drop 25 man loot

defilers scourgestones??? or do you not follow new content?

Daily? 2-3 for 25 and 10. Your server may differ.

M+ is the focus of endgame for retail, intended or not, and remains popular. You’re making it sound like they regret adding it when this is very much not the case.

Which is still very much a factor. The progression path is just branched now to be more accessible without handing gear out as you claim it is similar to.

I see the crux of your argument here now, its the classic “up hills both ways in the snow” stance. Nothing was replaced in terms of progression paths, those are still available and options, the new dungeons offer an alternate and symbiotic progression path that does not detract from raiding progression. How many Naxx10’s do you think would be run currently had they not moved the 25man gear to 10man? The change kept older content relevant longer while offering a secondary system to compliment that path.
To use your logic:
“why buy anything ever if it just gets replaced?”

But it’s not a handout. It still requires work to be put in. Nobody is getting anything here for free, effort and time investment are required for both paths. Go ahead and rail against people having an alternate path for naxx10 and ulduar10 gear though, honestly just makes you come off as bitter.

People enjoy the game despite the forum rhetoric, my realm is healthy and active, there aren’t massive cries in game against the new dungeons, no mass quitting, etc. Just because you personally dislike something does not make it empirically bad for the game.
“Tourists” is almost as meaningless as “retail” at this point. neither have agreed upon definitions and neither ultimately matter to those who play the game normally and enjoy it.


Which wont be as good as current gear. So whats the issue?

That less people will be doing trial because they can log in que for a dungeon and not do raiding content and fill raids so I can raid more?

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I mean I agree, and someone above mentioned that the parts of retail (pre-DF) that were really annoying are the required dailies and grinds you needed just to do content.

But this is different, it’s not required at all, and still requires people to play the game at a decent level. It’s not world quests where you’re given current ilvl gear for doing a single quest, you still have to run a bunch of tuned-up WOTLK dungeons to get 10m gear. If anything the system it’s modeled after, m+, is one of the few major successes of modern wow and it makes sense to use a similar system just for optional catch-up

Ah yes, so gatekeeping. Everyone should have to play the game how you want to. I already pointed that out

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10m hm loot from Ulduar was obtainable from dungeons and had many people bis in it from that phase.

I don’t buy it.

Because they made it all about M+, everything else in retail is dying. They had to put crossfaction in because playing Alliance was no longer viable at endgame.

It’s less about progression more about seasonal content. Progression can be smaller or bigger and it’s way smaller when you add catchup.

That’s the same thing as arguing that adding the best items in the shop wouldn’t have any impact because you can still play without them. You don’t like that argument because it just destroys any “choice” matters argument.

Compared to doing the raid? It is. Look breathing cost you an effort, doesn’t mean you should be rewarded the best loot for it.

Less people enjoy the game. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter because all they care is money and they’ll get your tourists money all the same. So enjoy your worse game.

Look everyone, let’s get down to the facts here. I can’t possibly enjoy a game that isn’t specifically catered to me and me alone. The mere fact that a community with different opinions, wants and sources of enjoyment exists is a blight upon my utopian game morals. Wow was made for ME. And you will all play it the way I want or this game is bad and something something greed.


Well said.