Turning WOTLK into retail

Hahaha… salty as well.

It’s Retail therefore it’s bad.

I knew Wrath was doomed when Brian Birmingham said they needed to look to other expansions besides Wrath for inspiration. That goes against the very purpose of a Classic server.

And it just so happens this Mythic Lite crap is extremely flawed and toxic.

Yeah but its happening, I cannot comment on the retail thing, having not played anything since MoP. I like it the concept and it is making all the most annoying people on the forums mad so I make popcorn.

Again, if you are raiding the need to grind badges will be over quickly. You thinking you have some sorta gothca just shows all the paint chips you ate as a kid is catching up to you. The answer if you have a brain is that it will differ from person to person depending on gear.

So for me I’ll want tier, the new idol and maybe a trinket if I get really unlucky. That will not take that long and ICC will be out for months. Assuming 35 badges from the daily+ whatever the raid weekly is and ICC, I should be done in like 4 weeks max? Hopefully that clears it up for you. I forgot about 10 man in this. It might be more like 3 weeks.


Right that’s literally the point of classic, to appeal to people who liked that older design.

If I wanted retail garbage designs I could, wait for it, go play retail.

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Badges retain value the entire phase because they can be used for crafting mats and gems.

HOW QUICK?! Answer the question.

Emblems of Frost, these are what raiders will be chasing. Absolutely each and every person will have to spend the same amount of emblems for their 2/4pc depending on what their BiS list is. It all depends on if you have to get 2 or 3 pieces that cost 95 emblems each. There is no way around this cost even if you get the tokens since you need the base item in order to upgrade it.

That is 310-345 emblems. How fast you can get these is determined how much you actually do and if you are doing full clears. Each boss gives 2 Emblems of Frost so thats 24 per 10m or 25m. Then there is 1 extra you get from the Valkyr. So that is 50 emblems if you do full clears of both 10 and 25m. Only the hardcore of the hardcore is going to claim each and every single Emblem of Frost you can get and everyone else will be burnt out quick if they do this.

This doesnt go into Primordial Saronite for Shadowmourne, Primordial Saronite for crafting, or even items from the emblem vendor that would help after you get the 4pc.

But what does quickly actually mean in this case? 2 weeks (not going to happen even with the hardcore of the hardcore) a month? (what the hardcore of the hardcore timeframe actually looks like doing absolutely everything and that is just for the 4pc) 2 months? How about multiple specs? That doubles the amount of emblems you need.

The only thing that really reduces the amount of emblems you need is Toravon and thats if you get lucky and it might not be for your spec or role depending on your class.

So realistically its a month doing absolutely EVERYTHING you can. 10/25m ICC full clear, 10/25m Toravon, weekly raid, both ICC weekly quests.

They will never answer this question even though they want to assert that it will be quick. They have absolutely no clue, they wont even want to bother doing the math which is absolutely possible.

Now after recent update all bags open at vendors. Why can’t we have the option. Am I missing something? Instead it have to find addon if there is one. Blizzard leave the UI alone.

Which you dont need, hence the optional part.

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I did, its not my fault you cant read lol. I almost feel bad for you.

Oh, i see you cut out the part where I explained it. No need to respond anymore, its clear you just want to cry about something.

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Technically you don’t need anything in game, you can log in and run around the starting zone as much as you want without picking up a single item or copper.


I assume you sound like this and I read that in this voice.


I wish I could like this post twice.

Should honestly complain more so about the people who no lifed and did speed runs on Wotlk Classic for completing the content as fast as possible, then complaining there was nothing to do.

Blizzard wanted to keep their subs so badly they needed to create catch-up mechanics for those who played the game casually knowing it wasn’t a hard expansion until the Uld hard modes, then another easy TOGC raid before ICC.

To me they are the ones who kill MMOs more so than not.

Except that has never been the case, Blizzard have constantly done what they wanted in classic and used various fallacies to pit the player base against each other while they wander away to do what ever it is they do other than work.

For me, the game was ruined in WoD and Legion.

WoD brought garrisons and destroyed professions. But at least PvP was good, that was all the only good thing left.

Legion then destroyed PvP with the new BG system and making it so there was so true PvP servers left as you now had to flag for PvP.

And the playerbase keeps getting smaller as they keep adding more changes no one asked for. What a surprise. Had they kept things authentic it wouldn’t have hemorrhaged players at such an astounding rate.


Much like Retail, they seem content with a smaller playerbase of whales.

You’re the lord of insults and complaining about the game and now you get mad when someone else does it?

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