Turning WOTLK into retail

So you edited your post… we can all see it.

Everyone will want tier. Everyone will want a relic slot item as well.

It depends on how much you will do, if you are full clearing from the get go,

You said this wasnt needed because if you were raiding it would be quick, so dont count these 35 emblems.

So you have no idea what these give even though I have listed them?

How do you know? You dont even know the emblems that they give nor do you even know all the sources of emblems. 4 weeks? Try like 2 months for most people just for their 4pc.

Its always funny that the people who cant read are the ones always crying the most lol

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What a strange and meaningless point

Interestingly wrong take but ok

I made a crap-ton-of-money in WoD though. I still have the millions upon millions left in retail from it.

Yeah, WoD was the most alt-friendly xpac probably ever. You were gimping yourself if you didn’t have at least a half dozen to dozen alts at 100 with fully developed garrisons of each type.

But now anyone could begin a profession and make xpac level items from the beginning, without having to level up from from skill level 0. Anyone could disenchant, or make potions as long as they had the garrison node for that. Professions basically became worthless in WoD. But yes, you could make good money using a lot of alts with fully developed garrisons.

When I played bfa raid gear was way better than m+ gear which had a hard cap to 15ilvl under the raid gear unless the chest.

To be clear I liked m+ but hated the chest

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