Turning WOTLK into retail

You’ve been whining about authenticity on a dozen low levels (cause it’s all you have and we both know it) for what? Five years? Six years? Something like that. You’re getting RDF but that was never your goal. You want a perfect recreation of a game you don’t and never had any intention of playing for some bizarre reason that only you know.

Please dude, find another hobby.


Except you are so blinded by rage you cant even pay attention to the points being made lol.

Tell me you’re a casual normal raider without telling me you’re a casual normal raider. basically.

There’s no points being made. Keep Retail trash out of Classic.

It hasn’t been authentic, so idk why you people still argue no changes it’s hilarious :laughing: . Game has been dying, why kill it more by making catchup harder?

I don’t know what you’re saying. How does adding rdf make catch up harder? It was amazing for alts and fresh 80s.

What I find absolutely hilarious is that you called it a word salad, yet you couldnt even answer the simple question of

How quick will they become pointless? You couldnt even answer that which tells everyone what they need to hear. You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. You have 0 idea of how quick these things will become pointless while at the same time spouting nonsense like its factual.

The math just isnt there to support it will be over quick. It would take even longer if these dungeons didnt give that bag of emblems at the end of the daily. Thats all that people do them for.

The game has been dying because of the changes made to it and not having RDF in, also… how does it make catch up harder? You can get 225 ilvl without setting foot in a beta dungeon… how is that harder than doing beta dungeons?

This post is days old but I still have to jump on to say this has to be one of the most unintelligent takes.

10/10 laugher

I still find it hilarious that people kick and scream about H+ being “retail garbage” when titan runes are so unlike mythics it’s not even funny. Literally their only comparable quality is that they’re a level of difficulty above heroic, hell they’re more like Ulduar hard modes than anything from retail

Here’s a quick rundown:

Mythic+ - Increased difficulty from Heroic, has a timer, has several weekly rotating affixes that completely alter the flow of the dungeon that are shared between all of them, scales up several levels with dungeon gear rewards scaling alongside it, gear rewards are the same dungeon gear as normal, just with more stats, only two pieces of gear drop at the end, or 1 if you fail to beat the timer

Titan Runes - Increased difficulty from heroic, no timer, each dungeon/pair of dungeons has the same single mechanic that alters the dungeon it’s in exclusive to each TR difficulty and never changes, has only one difficulty scale between each Titan Rune, gear rewards are pulled from out of season raids and aren’t just beefed up dungeon rewards, each boss drops 2 pieces of gear, and no failure condition save for giving up

You don’t have to like Titan Runes, hell I hate them too, but at least hate them for the right reason. Saying “it’s retail therefore it’s bad!” not only makes your argument look silly, but also makes your opinions on other “retail bad!!!” topics look silly by proxy


Thats why people call it Mythic Lite. But its more towards mythic + than it is normal heroics or even mythics.

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I’m referring to the people who are complaining that we can buy Flare from a vendor now.

Which you shouldnt be able to do.

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Why? 67890

Why should you be able to do a dungeon to get raid gear?


Why not? 0

Because its raid gear. Do the raid if you want it.


But its old raid content, what golden rule says it can only be available in raid content that is fundamentally harder to do by simple logistics of no one wanting to do it? This is a simple logical fallacy of appeal to tradition.

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Then you missed out.

You answered your own question.

And reported and ignored.