The garrison only applied to WoD mats and was directly tied to the garrison and therefore limited. You could not herb/mine/skin in WoD out in the world unless you learned that profession.
If gathering professions were secondary, that would allow your char all gathering prof (including skinning which you conveniently forgot) and 2 crafting profthat was not limited to certain expansions. We did not have that in WoD.
Seems like a back door attempt to get another crafting slot.
The bigger issue, every arguement made now about the gathering crafts, can be used in the future for adding all of the crafting professions. We can learn them all. Why would we forget?
So, let’s get to it… say this happens… we can all herb, mine, and skin… so what becomes the 2 crafts for a main too.
My guess, every main has alchemy and engineering.
So what is it for alts then… do they handle the enchanting, jewels, tailoring, leather, and blacksmithing.
I will adapt, doesn’t matter to me really, all of my alts will just become double crafters… truth is, I already do to a degree.
All of my toons double gather while leveling… then take enchanting to disenchant stacked obsolete items, then they take crafts, except for one alt, which remains a gatherer. That’s the new player friendly model.
What I keep suggesting is not to make herbing/mining/skinning like fishing, but rather to make them like the Disenchant skill.
I think giving everything to everybody is a bridge too far, especially for Blizzard, since they seem to like characters having identities (“My character is a skinner” etc.)
What they should do, is roll all of the gathering professions into the primary professions, like Enchanting has been from the beginning.
So eliminate them as professions and make them skills:
Leatherworkers get Skinning automatically.
Blacksmiths, Engineers, Jewelcrafters get Mining skill automatically.
Alchemists and Scribes get Herbalism automatically.
Enchanters already have Disenchanting. How convenient!
This way, people don’t have to use up their 2nd profession slot on something that should be rolled in to the main package already anyway.
(Afterthought: And with First Aid removed from the game, I wouldn’t mind if they make cloth gathering exclusive to Tailors as a new gathering skill. The rest of us have little use for it anyway these days and it just clogs up our bags.)
Also an excellent idea, it seems like there’s no benefit to leveling the gathering ones anyways but it would be really nice to have two production professions.
No, this would not just remove annoyance for people who prefer speed and accommodation over immersion and aspiration:
It would also be removing:
one of the few RP elements left
in-game play time
And, again, any play time removed has to be replaced and presently what Blizzard is replacing it with is systems which is driving away players.
So bad for the game!
Creating, leveling and then doing all gathering on one character is a lot less time, effort and energy than creating, leveling and doing three different gathering profession on three different characters. The time alone spent flying around zone gathering would be cut to a third.
As far as I am concerned, if Blizzard is willing to cut more playtime used for unique character-building activities to replace it with more end game systems, and further ruin professions in order to pander to the lazy and uninspired, it would be stupid for them to stop with only gathering professions. Might as well go the whole nine yards and make all the gathering and all the crafting professions available to be performed on each and every character.
After all, it would add up to the same amount of damage to the game and they wouldn’t have to listen to players whining for that next.
I make more than enough from emissaries with one alt to pay for the mats off the AH that I need. I gladly support the capitalists selling their stuff. Better them than me picking flowers.
Can you expand on this? How do professions mess with your rp?
Yep. Sounds amazing.
But I disagree with you here.
My main is a leather worker and at the start of SL I dropped skinning for enchanting since she would be getting the bulk of the gear to d/e. I have enjoyed being able to disenchant but I don’t enjoy my LW as much bc now I have to switch to an alt and bring her to that area just to skin. So ya know what? I haven’t been spending time skinning at all now.
If people feel their time is valued they will play more bc it feels time worthy to do so. When part of the game is made around time metrics it sucks the fun and I am much more likely to just log out and do something else all together.
That’s a big problem with the game. Everything is so based on keeping people in game that it ends up doing the opposite.
Look at loot. Loot drops have been so bad in SL. You would prob say well if they let you gear too quick you would be done and complain. No. Bc if it was faster I would see my time wasn’t wasted… and would want to gear another char! I have around 35 chars, I have geared 1 in SL bc of rng on rng on rng.
My point is, if players are having fun, they will keep playing and look for and find something else just to keep having fun. If I got more out of my time playing a char for professions, I would spend more time on it, not less. I would also spend time on other crafters as well, which have been pretty much 0 other than enchanting bc I got the mats while playing the game. Not circling a zone for hours grinding for time metrics…
Your sarcasm falls flat here. I play FF14 on the side too and you can be everything, and the economy is solid. Being able to be everything is great apart from your bags exploding with mats. And it definitely isn’t hurting anyone’s RP, I can tell you that.
In role-play you are building a character and one of the things you want to do is make that character an individual. The more things that are unique, the more individual the character is.
I have a warrior who is a miner and a blacksmith and a hunter who is a skinner and leatherworker.
Now if they could both be a miner/blacksmith/skinners/leatherworkers combo, they cease being unique in the profession department.
Also, in my opinion, having a character with so many professions would be beyond belief. Maybe if professions was our main gig it might be different. But they are not our main gig, being an adventurer is . Having a side gig where we gather certain mats along our journey and then craft them between adventures for some extra gold fits the narrative. Having two stretches its credibility to naught.
As I said, as that point, might as well open the gates and open up all the profession to each character. There really wouldn’t be any difference and at least it would serve the players who are really into professions and use them to play the AH but don’t have a lot of time.
You are equating two different things here.
Fun is not the same thing as optimized and you are not asking for an activity to be made more fun, you are asking for it to be optimized.
So no, you wouldn’t spend more time on it. You would get what you want and then quit because you just don’t find it fun. If you did, you would not be asking for it to be downsized and streamlined, you would be asking for more play time doing it, like more steps and addition challenges (ie rare mats to gather and a special place to craft), not less.
It is enjoyable to make use of gathering professions while doing other activities. Simple as that. I’m not asking just to be optimized, that goes hand in hand with enjoying your time being respected and therefore more likely to do things that are time worthy. That is fun! Don’t forget this is a game, not a part time job.
Wrong but keep acting like you know the players better than they know themselves.
Wrong. I log out more now in SL than I ever have, bc it’s not very enjoyable. You think I just keep banging my head at the game bc some spreadsheet assumed I would? Are you related to Ion?
Your main gig in WoW is whatever the player chooses to spend time on. As a rp’er you should know that better than anyone.
You have characters that you enjoy, does that decrease your play time? You could still have these same exact characters as they are if OP came true.
We’ll just pretend what I said about FF14 isn’t true then lol.
You think your LW/skinner is unique? lmao that’s cute.
Your mindset is what’s killing the game.
GL with that.