Mining, Herbing, and Skinning should be available to every character in addition to two production professions like Fishing is. That way, people can get every material and actually use it in two other professions. You’d think that after 17 years, our characters would learn something new.
I don’t think it’s a stretch that the knowledge gained includes picking flowers, cutting the skin off an animal, and hitting a rock to break it up.
And it would be very helpful! Also permanent auction house NPCs for everyone (not just engineers) in every capital city. Thank you for your time.
Actually going to support this call.
This will ALSO create more chances for Blizzard to realize that resource nodes on my main server seem to have always been … lacking? In number? And ESPECIALLY volume.
Would also benefit from an imitation swiss army tool that does the job of a dagger and a pickaxe.
That way our already limited bag space due to all the grey and white drops that the game shoves at us is at least reduced by one or more slots.
That’s a nice way to make ore, leather, herbs and cloth even more worthless to sell on the AH.
If you want to be a JC you can take mining to self sustain.
If you need leather you can find a skinner and engage in player economy, something WoW is severely lacking.
IMO it’s a step in the wrong direction.
Profession limits are a joke, and make you require a lot of alts.
Oh right, I can go buy from the AH bots who have been controlling the materials market on my server for expansions. Huzzah!
AH prices due to the gold token pushing them up too much is also a major issue.
You still would. Even if you could do all the gathering professions.
You’re telling me you’d spend 2 hours of your time farming them when you can just buy them off the AH?
Removing Bots is a step towards a better game.
That’s what we, steps in the right direction.
Yes and I currently do it with more characters than I should need.
I’m one of the few people who actually made my own legendaries. Thanks, alts! But really I can kill Gods but it’s too much for me to handle to know how to pick a flower?
Why does it matter if it’s on 1 character or 2?
It’s still you spending the exact same amount of time.
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Depending upon where Player Housing drops occur, yes.
If the wider world gave more endgame drops, content, and loot, especially mat’s and other things that open doors to play the game more due to their chance to drop into one’s bags?
Again, yes.
Blizzard is entirely missing the chance to return the entire game to endgame relevancy by NOT putting above stated endgame mat’s and other such items throughout the wider world.
Incorrect, you have to log out and in, mail stuff around, and level the characters to begin with.
Agreed. Prices will drop astronomically. Crafting shouldn’t be the only way to make money via professions.
Which is why Blizzard will never do it… leveling those alts = time in game.
They won’t do that as too many characters have been created and levelled just for that purpose. You’d also get requests for everyone to skin, cloth scavenge, and strip engineering parts too.
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It would be nice to be able to loot all nodes on my main while I am doing my dailies/lore master ect instead of having to log onto my alt to skin… who has no other reason to be there except to farm 
False, for the above reasons.
I mean if they did it, then I should be able to disenchant etc et al.
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Even without bots, having the gathering professions is a win, people are getting tired of the atrocious prices the AH overlords put on everything, wink Legos mats wink
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Yeah, you have to put some effort in if you want the rewards.
You want to be self sustaining.
Just please realise what self sustaining means to a game like WoW where player economy and player interaction are supposed to be prominent.
I can fully agree with you that AH bots and the way professions currently work don’t fulfill player interaction. And the economy sucks.
Your proposal is like saying yeah, the planes going down so lets nose dive into the ground. I would prefer we try and Sully this sucker down onto a river.
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