Turbo is actually just horrid

I will take turbo over unkillable MLD or MLPala all day. Atleast my death is fast.

Lol riiigghhhttt… Because the meta in the last season of BFA was just super duper.


Trinket wall combust ez

this is you right

this was you when people wanted triune ward nerfed right

it’s almost like everyone whos not a thousand games deep into 1400 knows how to deal with turbo
and you do not

i sound really stupid right?
it’s been a while but u can still apologize for being a moron : ~ )


Enhance completely carried by lay on hands spam

Legit only thing I want fixed in RMP is the rogue shield conduit. Everything else can stay the same. Rogue shield conduit is so powerful but people underestimate it.

why does every caster or ranged think that what they do is more intelligent and cleaver than a melee counterpart

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It’s not like they ignore it it’s more like they are used to rogues season in season out having some unbelievably dumb new tool that everybody else has to get adjusted to and organize their teams defenses and strategy around.

Somewhere on some Blizzard devs computer new and even more idiot proof items or abilities are just waiting to be unleashed and make people question their sanity. Probably some finisher that reduces health by 50% for X seconds or blind executing the target if used below 35% health.

I think its for several reasons:

  1. You don’t have to contend with people trying to interrupt you as soon as pvp happens as a melee, 99 percent of melee abilities are instant cast the majority of melee do no have to cast ever.

  2. Melee are very easy to do max damage compared to other times in WOW. The rotations have been significantly made less complex and there is no decision making like “should I swap to D stance to disarm this go and lose some short term damage”. Venthyr warriors for example running around spaming condem doing as well as the best warriors on damage. Compare this to a caster that has to land a cc chain b4 they do damage and maintian the chain while bursting.

  3. A good warrior or DK but honestly most can OOM your team very quickly while not having to land CC which sound more like a PVE encoutner rather than PVP.

  4. Being able to do tremendous damage with very short CC such as Windshear> Stormbolt or Incap into cap totem for example, feels stupid seeing people take as much damage as a full CC chain in less than a kidney shot duration.

Anyway thats just my guess I don’t really know but thats a start.

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long ago maybe, nowadays, ranged are as braindead as any melee player, for example, a fire mage can spend his time casting a cc spell like polymorph and not having to juke because he can cast something else, rogues are also quite braindead since you can use addons to track drs


Melee cleaves just seem mongo. They tunnel 1 player the entire game and throw out instant 3 second stormbolts or any sort of CC when the player they are on is at like 50-60%.

You’re probs right in fairness but I find that melee cleaves don’t really have to “setup” much. They have no need to setup CC chains because their pressure is too high.

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Melee cleaves play the opposite. They don’t play to cc, they play to stay alive, out damage and out last. It doesn’t make it any less difficult. If they overlap defensive, they die and lose. Takes as much coordination and team work.

Sorry but turbo is hard on caster comps but is pretty meh other times. I also don’t feel bad for casters. MLX from end of BFA was far more disgusting than any melee cleave. Stand in the middle of the map, infinite haste, multiple spell schools with important spells, stupid amounts of cc (both instant and spammable) and being absolutely invincible.

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Maybe I just fight bad turbos but I feel like we only ever lose to them if we majorly screw up

You only fight bad turbos

yeah turbo owns rmp if both teams suck, and it’s hard for rmp for when both teams are good but a good rmp should only lose to a bad turbo if they make a mistake


turbo shouldn’t lose to rmp ever really

i actually don’t know why thelle is 2800
thelle rmp i spam lose to for some reason (the way ur priest mindgames) even though as turbo i dont lose to rmps ever even playing really bad even 400 mmr higher

We queued into littletimmys ret war hpriest that was beating nahj xar and gekz and somehow they lost 150mmr then klepto’Ed ours :frowning: went back up slightly tho but hard stuck in the 2.9 bracket

there are so many ways to stop turbo from doing damage actually. they’re just really tanky IF they play well and rotate defensives, and the warrior isn’t cc’d during your go (if he’s not the target, which he definitely can be without trinket)

What ways do you stop them from doing extremely high consistent damage? Give me your secrets I need them


did you used to play feral?