Make enhance/warrior squishier so they can actually die against comps that aren’t RMP.
turbo shreks rmp, why is that the one namedrop comp
dumb question, but wtf does turbo and RMP mean?
“Turbo” is the name for Enh Shaman, Arms Warrior, Hpal… Because between bloodlust, bladestorm, and ascend… gotta go fast.
RMP is Rogue Mage Priest. It’s uhh… Rogue… Mage… and Priest…
Aka the “hold W” comp.
I actually just hate the whole style of play, the constant need to juke shear/kick/spell reflect/grounding only to get stormbolted or incapped and whilst all this is happening, we can’t even punish them because warrior/enhance doesn’t die.
I know season 1 of every expac is melee dominated but man this is depressing. I don’t think I’ve ever disliked a comp more.
The idea between these mongo comps was SUPPOSED to be that they’re squishy and they do a lot of damage.
Enhance just doesn’t seem squishy.
Warriors don’t seem squishy yet they can pump out so much damage?
RMP was meant to be a glass cannon spec that requires coordinated setups but now rogues have conduit shields/conduit shields and bits of self healing and mages have triune.
I come back to the game after a 5 year break and was hoping for the core comps to remain similar in terms of their survivability and output but it honestly seems like everything is so out of whack atm.
Rogues have more ways to get restealths than ever before and even when they do have a full row of dots/bleeds, their shield conduit is a failsafe for them to ensure they don’t get broken out of stealth.
Mages are fairly tanky which was never the case for RMP
Dk’s do a million damage and seems pretty unavoidable atm.
Rets have a prot paladin legendary that auto procs at 20% HP with a 50% damage reduction on a 45 second CD.
Spriests have greater fade on a ridicolously short cooldown ontop of disperse and swap.
Moonkins have auto frenzied regeneration and require us to shift into bear form and do nothing whilst we getting tunneled.
Warriors on their own aren’t actually that bad but coupled with other specs, the extra need to fake spell reflect with kick + grounding if they’re playing turbo is just obnoxious.
Warlocks have some conduit that stops fears from breaking or atleast reduces the chance they break even if you have a full row of dots.
There are random times where people just get topped by healers out of nowhere. Literally a player will be on 20% HP and their healer get’s out of a root beam/cyclone/bash/hoj/poly/kidney…anything…and their teammate is TOPPED instantly…how do you counter instant healing without having a plethora of instant CC.
Even moonkins are pretty OP. Convoke is plain bad game design. The ultimate 1 shot macro.
I could go on and on but I really question why I even came back to this game. Who was Blizzard listening to over the last 5 years?
How did we go from MoP arena which was arguably one of the most fun and if not most balanced seasons in the game to this abomination?
We are somehow in a extremely fast paced meta yet have less tools to deal with said fast paced meta? Give me my abilities back so I can deal with this game pace.
Legit just thinking of taking a break again.
I am curious to who Blizzard took their advice from because this is just horrible atm.
Turbo already gets farmed by TSG and walking dead.
It’s pretty gross against other comps though
Just beat the fk out of them til they have to get off you or you will never get to leave bear. You just have to do max dmg til enhance is oom then u can possibly kill. Can drop moonkin aura and go disarm enhance can’t do anything while disarmed usually during doom winds press it. As for rogue mage good luck, sht is retard proof and every mage rogue player thinks they are the epitome of skill and coordination and they are somehow making such a terrible comp work, just true masterminds
Can’t stop wont stop the zugzug
When you don’t understand RMP it’s your worst nightmare.
Mate I watched stungod and Xar fight Enchance Warrior nearly every game straight for 4 hours not long ago, they lost EVERY SINGLE GAME. One of the highest RMP’s couldn’t kill anyone on that well played turbo.
Turbos are too tanky stop trying to add anti RMP propoganda to your post.
If they buffed RMP damage and took all those tools away you would still be complaining about it 100%.
Turbo doesn’t lose to rmp, they lose to frost dk cleave, usually ret/warr, and idk what else.
That being said ya arena much worse than mop but much better than last xpac if you wanna really see how bad pvp of an xpac was you should see last ssn
Whenever enhance is good, the meta is never good.
We get it you play rmp
something solidly counter sheep sheep sheep?
Doesn’t sounds bad
all i have to say is…
zug zug
I’m not scared of turbo I’m scared of arms warriors, I just hate when they team up with a Ret or WW and just rail me.
Literally one of RMPs biggest counters. what are you on???
Real men play tsg
Turbo is for nerds