no tournaments on this patch with this meta/tuning so sort of irrelevant unless you’re curious about how it functionally plays or it’s history ig
think there’s only 2x lsd3 has been played in tournaments
2016 blizzcon splyce vs method NA (finals iirc)
any variant of l$d has typically been a pve dampener which elemental is just always better/safer at doing that
that season though lust/doomwinds were off global and haste buffed fel-lord would just crush people in the go (iirc thakiel’s consumption also BANGED)
iirc saucerboy played it to r1 in legion s2?
DFS1 awc jaime’s team brought it out as an attempt to stop rmp (?) or demo mlx (?)
i don’t remember which but it would do good into either
they ended up losing though
that same season askronnie played it with preservation to r1
the 2 strengths that stand out to me
1> demo while filling a similar role to arms warrior with axetoss + ms incentivized most teams to spend their damage/resources shutting it down opening the squishy but numarically overtuned lash enhancement to PUMPing
2> tyrant was an obscenely strong cooldown that was countered by simply walking away which static field would not only prevent but could also be used to grip people on top of eachother
(fire breath klepto in static felt and still feels really strong)
as of this season they reworked demo to play a bit more like bm hunter where you have a lot more sustained damage and aren’t forced into relying almost exclusively on thakiel’s or tyrant to be your only meaningful contribution to most games
demo/enh right now pves most things for mana bar but you have a lot of strong damage windows with enh 4pc giving you primwave almost every axetoss and static field gripping+locking things down for demos big 2 minute window
hpal has such insane synergy with destro/melee
you play destro/melee (ww assa feral typically) more “go” oriented than you’d typically play something like mage/lock where rdruid excels at doing basically nothing except extremely low risk offensive pushes for bash/clone under extreme cover or on over extension
hpal’s cds support offensive pushes really well and rep/fear don’t dr
you can realistically push in and get a free rep every double coil or offensive stun window from your team which is typically extremely lethal
destro/fdk/hpal was probably the best comp in the game all of legion s6/s7
destro/assa/hpal was probably the best comp in the game in bfas4
extremely good
and healer matters there’s just several good options
mw and hpriest are probably the best overall specifically because those 2 specs remove most of your counterplay options when fighting the comp
dk/dragon plays to dump all of their resources in short engages every 1 minute then do everything they can to disengage until their next brief window 1 minute later
most effective counterplay to fdk/x is to spread out so they can only get 2 people in the grip sleet giving the third player a small window to disrupt their go
mw and hpriest uniquely can instantly incap from far away giving them instant cover on the third target with minimal requirement/risk essentially removing all non-premptive counterplay
hpriest does more damage than mw + has pi/lifegrip/purge
BUT that doesn’t really matter, fdk and dev are so damage overloaded they’ll never fail to kill in a go
they’ll only lose when they fail to live between goes
peaceweave and life coco are significantly better than gs at getting to the next go making it an easy choice
worse options but
preservation - does the most damage but offers less effective defensive tools
disc - offers the best external defensive tools to ensure you get several “goes” but offers virtually no cc and mediocre damage in the important windows
frost offensively is absurd pillar kills almost anything through wall
you’re just “forced” into doing literally nothing between pillars and you’re pretty fragile when you are forced to engage
no i’m suggesting that enhancement/feral have never been more fragile as long as i’ve played this game and they’re a worse partner option for any of their best partners than most other specs in the game
but when playing very specific comps in very specific ways despite being bad they can achieve high rating but i don’t believe that’s valid justification for their current drawbacks
frost needs an entire rework tho
2h should not be a playable option it’s too hard to give it sustained damage when pillar turns on and it suddenly ignores armor and has 100% crit