Tuning suggestions

warriors will have bleeding running on you, disarming them, when finished will allow them to eat you like bread and ham. You will need peel from someone depending on the warrior.

And normally a good warrior makes a GO based on a few moments, not blindly. If they use all the CDs knowing they can be disarmed, then they should be punished.

I say this because I have a warrior, I find it even more difficult to stop him than my dk.

It’s part of UDK’s fantasy to have deseases on a target, it’s not 80% of the damage, and the pet will only contribute heavily during dark transformation, it’s necessary for the DK to have runic power to maintain 10 stacks, have the range to reapply deseases and if If you disarm, stun, slow, keep your distance, it will make a DK’s life very difficult…

…to conclude, I can only say one thing now that might hurt you: a good player can offer a lot of difficulty for a DK to be able to stay in it during the match, average or bad players end up getting in trouble with just 1 death grip + ice chains, which is where DK will shine a lot…

I always know if the player is good when a rogue, hunter, monk, mage, lock, or even a warrior, when i try to pull them, they manage to relocate quickly and keep me away, they are the most difficult to counter.

Now…in other cases I managed to stay glued to hunters who simply didn’t know what to do while I licked the back of their neck.

Didnt read thread but i think drop D is a good start for open fret crunch


The same is true for death knight damage except they have higher damage than warrior and more of it goes theough disarm?

The same is true for deathknight. Between 2x 40 yard grips, blind, chain, stuns, lich, and shell, its almost impossible to not get your damage off in a go.

Then you are playing your deathknight incorrectly.

[quote=“Almatafh-azralon, post:82, topic:1740596”] if If you disarm, stun, slow, keep your distance, it will make a DK’s life very difficult…

Again, this is true for every single melee class, though, except dk has the highest or second highest (dh is the other contender) despite all those difficulties.

Buddy. I’m literally higher xp than you on deathknight. I got gladiator my first season playing dk and my second season playing arena ever. Im familiar with how the class works, I promise. You have a 40% winrate so you objectively lose 3 games for every 2 that you win. That’s not because dk is weaker than other classes, it’s because youre doing something incorrectly.


Or because I can’t play. Here in my country, now, it’s almost 10 pm (night), I’ve arrived home now and in an hour I’m going to sleep. I think I played very little dk in the arenas in s3 (because 50min+ in the SS queue and little time to play) and I got a high rank in war in s2 and s1 only, with this DK i got in s2…i don’t remember…1800~1900. HOWEVER, at my work I get to watch a lot of things about pvp, etc., and I have other DK friends, of course.

your ego is directly in the way of the improvements at the game you could very easily make


this is such a stupid post apologize


There are so many stupid answers here that I don’t even care anymore.

cared enough to respond silly goose

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you don’t get to not care

you owe me an apology


You have no idea what you’re talking about anymore, Karen.

remove enhance from the game, especially ones who play with demo/rdruid and then put destro above demo in nerf tier, l2stopchaosbolt kekw

destro is better than demo

irony dlc not installed gg unlucky


Fixed that for you.

Mr. Tox, your fridge envy is showing.

Jealous in the way that warrior has so much good utility and answers but I hate playing actual melee with how much mobility and micro cc casters have.

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Is unh not the king of micro cc

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Don’t think it’s anywhere near what mage lock combo can dish out but we can find out real quick

Asphyx 3s 45s xd
Gnaw 2 sec 1M cd
Strang 4s 1M cd


Double coil 3 sec two targets 45?s cd
Infernal 2 or 3s aoe stun can’t recall NOT ON DR
Shadow fury
3x fear

Add a frost mage and you’re dealing with a constant stream of short cd roots being spammed the entire time you’re not immune.

Idk warlock especially played with a mage or last season with an SP is absolute God tier and complaining about unholy dk with one is a massive skill issue

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One of the most obnoxious things about frost is the rng mini roots that’ll take you out of dashes. :dracthyr_a1: Nothing like having one of my super important charges passively outplayed because my tail was in a frozen orb or blizzard.

I think you are conflating micro cc and hard cc

Micro cc would be stuff like gnaw, double grip, grippy hands, infernal, frost roots

Other stuff is just cc

In the micro cc category I think frost mage and unh dk are hands down top 2