warriors will have bleeding running on you, disarming them, when finished will allow them to eat you like bread and ham. You will need peel from someone depending on the warrior.
And normally a good warrior makes a GO based on a few moments, not blindly. If they use all the CDs knowing they can be disarmed, then they should be punished.
I say this because I have a warrior, I find it even more difficult to stop him than my dk.
It’s part of UDK’s fantasy to have deseases on a target, it’s not 80% of the damage, and the pet will only contribute heavily during dark transformation, it’s necessary for the DK to have runic power to maintain 10 stacks, have the range to reapply deseases and if If you disarm, stun, slow, keep your distance, it will make a DK’s life very difficult…
…to conclude, I can only say one thing now that might hurt you: a good player can offer a lot of difficulty for a DK to be able to stay in it during the match, average or bad players end up getting in trouble with just 1 death grip + ice chains, which is where DK will shine a lot…
I always know if the player is good when a rogue, hunter, monk, mage, lock, or even a warrior, when i try to pull them, they manage to relocate quickly and keep me away, they are the most difficult to counter.
Now…in other cases I managed to stay glued to hunters who simply didn’t know what to do while I licked the back of their neck.